- projective personality test 投射法个性测验
- So here's my baseball personality test: Are you a chatty first baseman or a sullen shortstop? 所以我自己有个类似的题目:你是个能言善道的一垒手或是严肃的游击手?
- I am not sure whether it is some kind of personality test, since every answer has its reason. 我不清楚这是不是一些人格的测试,因为每个答案都有其原因。
- Nothing could be said in regard to the question that which was the better form of the EPPS as a personality test. 本研究中部分受试者曾同时接受EPPS的强迫选择式和单题评定式两种量表,惟所获资料未能肯定指出何种形式较佳。
- If I personally test you, you ll be even more different. 如果师父亲身考验,更不一样!
- Cattell 16 PF is an important tool of personality testing . 卡特尔16特征是人格测评的重要工具。
- Study participants were first given a personality test that measured extraversion, neuroticism, how open one is to experiences, and how agreeable and conscientious they are. 该研究有1233个参与者,所有的这段时间都居住在德国,大多数参与者都是女性,平均年龄在28岁,年龄跨度13岁到68岁
- VCT generates optimism as large numbers of persons test HIV negative. 为大多数检测结果阴性的人带来乐观。
- Third, is vigilant chooses the decoration enterprise or smuggles the engineering project personally. 第三,警惕所选择装饰企业或个人偷漏工程项目。
- More than 30,000 people in northeastern Japan aged between 40 and 64 were quizzed about their height and weight, and given a personality test, according to a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 《身心健康研究》期刊中的一篇论文称,研究人员对日本东北部地区3万多名年龄在40岁至64岁之间受访者的身高和体重进行了调查,并对他们进行了性格测试。
- Abstract: This research tries to select the Curatorial Salesmen in a medicine factory with the personality test, General Aptitude Test Battery and the draw test and the calligraphy analysis. 摘 要: 尝试对一制药厂销售人员进行心理选拔,使用了人格测验、职业能力测验、绘人测验、自我测验和笔迹分析。
- This research tries to select the Curatorial Salesmen in a medicine factory with the personality test, General Aptitude Test Battery and the draw test and the calligraphy analysis. 尝试对一制药厂销售人员进行心理选拔,使用了人格测验、职业能力测验、绘人测验、自我测验和笔迹分析。
- MBTI is based on Jung's psychological type theory into a book, has become the authoritative personality test, Psytopic specially produced this online test, hoping to help some friends. 人的性格倾向,就象分别使用自己的两只手写字一样,都可以写出来,但惯用的那只写出的会比另一只更好。
- Surveys show about two-thirds use such assessments, while half employ personality tests. 调查表明,约有三分之二的公司采用了这种测评; 而一半的公司则采用工作人员个人品质测试。
- In fact some of the personality tests that I’ve done rate me at the most introverted level possible. 事实上我做过一些性格测试,评价我可能是最内向的人。
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- He ventured on an ambitious project. 他冒险从事一项富有雄心的计画。
- Unless otherwise authorized or required by law, no HIV test should be performed without informed consent of the person tested. 除法律规定外,如没有本人的同意,不允许进行检查。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- The study tests the teachers joining the training of the core teachers of some province by random sampling with the Sixteen Personality Test of Cattell. 采用卡特尔的 16种人格测验 ,对随机抽取的参加某省中小学骨干教师培训的教师进行了测试。