- projection picture size 投影图象尺寸
- In the Attach Files dialog box, select a picture size from the Picture size list. 在“附加图片和文件”对话框中,从“图片大小”列表中选择图片大小。
- What the work with picture size differ alternate with wants to notice hemline is orderly the accord that reachs picture gradient. 画幅大小相间不一的作品要注重底边的整洁及画面倾斜度的一致。
- Do you want to adjust picture sizes before publishing? 要在公布之前调整照片大小吗?
- In the Attach Pictures and Files dialog box, select a picture size from the Picture size list, and then click Attach. 在“附加图片和文件”对话框中,从“图片大小”列表中选择图片大小,然后单击“附加”。
- The improvements from the old version of our RDSs include (1) uncrossed disparity for less convergence efforts, (2) higher dot density for higher brightness and (3) suitable picture size and color. 我们新版本的立体图以非交叉像差减少阅读时所需辐辏,加高点密度以增加亮度以及颜色的选择都是制作成功的关键。
- Other features include the ability to add text captions to the images, to place a date/time stamp on each video frame, and to adjust the frame rate, picture size, and quality settings. 其他功能还包括能力,添加文字标题的图片,放置一个日期/时间戳记对每个视频帧,并调整帧速率,图片大小,和质量设置。
- The projection on the picture is our building. 那张照片上的突出物是我们的大楼。
- The projected picture shows that India will build a dome complex featuring multi-religion characteristics, focusing on "city and harmony". 这个是印度的展厅预建图,它是一个蕴含多种宗教象征的复杂建筑图,着重强调城市和谐。
- This may require you to wait a little bit, while the server is recalculating the picture sizes. 这可能需要您稍等片刻,以便服务器可以从新计算图片的尺寸。
- Blank detail specificatoin for the colour projection picture tubes 彩色投影显象管空白详细规范
- Methods of measurement of the colour projection picture tubes 彩色投影显象管测试方法
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- He ventured on an ambitious project. 他冒险从事一项富有雄心的计画。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- A new project is in contemplation. 一项新的工程正在规划中。
- Give me the gen on this new project. 把这新项目的资料给我。
- She mapped out her ideas on the new project. 她详细提出了对新项目的意见。
- The project as being undertaken on a small scale. 这个工程在小规模地进行着。
- The project was viewed favorably by the committee. 那计划受到该委员会的好评。