- It's the “Mini Hydro Turbine” from Yanko frequent Jin Woo Han. 这是“迷你水轮机”从扬频繁进兴汉。
- Our Works has manufactured hydro turbine governors for years, The governors produced comprise series of large. 我厂生产水轮机调速器历史悠久。生产的调速器品种规格有大型、中型、小型和特小型系列。
- The application of new fuzzy controller in hydro turbine control system is investigated. 最后给出了其在水电机组控制系统中的应用。
- The advantages and weaknesses of simulate models of hydro turbine governing system were concluded. 总结了水轮机调节系统仿真模型的优缺点;
- It is listed that the characteristics of condition information in order to monitor cavitation of hydro turbine. 根据水轮机空化空蚀监测的目的,给出了状态信息特征值集合。
- As a prime mover, a small hydro turbine can produce the independence power for agriculture and industrial machines without fossil fuel. 摘要小型水轮发电机作为原动机能为工农业机械提供自主电源。
- Concrete instance showed that the new relational expression proposed in this paper had high precision, and could be applied in the actual operations of hydro turbine. 通过实例表明,给出的新的关系表达式,具有逼近计算精度高的特点,可以更好地应用于水轮机的实际运行中。
- When parameters of hydro turbine PID governor are optimized by using PSO algorithm, the experiments show excellent results in term of control accuracy and effectiveness. 仿真试验结果表明,用微粒群算法优化水轮机调节器参数,可以获得满意的控制精度和效率。
- The design scheme, construction and parameters of the grinding device used to repair the plane deformation of stay ring of hydro turbine at the power station are introduced, and the design gist of the grinding head system is presented. 介绍了用于修磨水轮机座环平面变形的专用修磨设备的设计方案、构、数及磨头系统的设计要点。
- Do some simulate analysis on parameters in modulatory objects and speed governor for hydro turbine governing system ,the effect about each parameter for dynamic quality in governor systemhas been qualitative analysed. 对水轮机调节系统的调节对象参数和调速器参数做了仿真分析,定性的分析了各个参数对调节系统动态品质的影响。
- To gain optimization parameters of hydro turbine PID governor, this paper interprets the approach of optimization designing that uses the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. 为了保证获得最优水轮机PID调节器参数,本文研究了利用微粒群优化(PSO)算法进行参数优化设计的新方法。
- By the model test with model hydro turbine and generator units, on the condition of the steady flow, unsteady flow, and the flow state in the tailrace tunnel with sloping ceiling is understood. 小波动条件下变顶高尾水洞体型对机组运行稳定性的影响;
- Effect on Vacuum in Draft Tube of Hydro Turbine 导叶关闭规律和尾水调压室对尾水管真空度的影响
- microcomputer-based hydro turbine governor 水轮机微机调速器
- Special robot for repairing hydro turbine 水轮机修复机器人
- 3-D Modeling Technique for Hydro Turbine's Runner Based on ACIS 基于ACIS的水轮机转轮三维造型技术
- Balance Treatment of Hydro Turbine Generator Running Unbalance 水轮发电机组转动不平衡的配重处理
- Computer Aided Manufacturing for Large Hydro Turbine's Runners 大型水轮机转轮的计算机辅助制造技术
- A whistling sound, as of an animal or a projectile. 啭鸣声尖厉高音,如动物或发射物而发出的声音