- The software engineering group participates on the project proposal team. 参与项目建议。
- With placeholder resource names, you can develop your project proposal and obtain approvals. 可以使用占位资源名称来制定项目提议并获得批准。
- Click Publish to publish the plan so that it appears as a project proposal within the Project Center. 单击“发布”可以发布计划,以便其在“项目中心”内显示为项目建议。
- Click Publish to publish the project proposal so that it appears as a project proposal in the Project Center. 单击“发布”可以发布项目建议,以便其在“项目中心”内显示为项目建议。
- PMT agreed to evaluate both types of exchangers, including plant layout analysis, during the Project Proposal. 在工程可研过程中,PMT赞同评估两种交换类型,包括工厂规划分析。
- Our Foreign Investment Service Center is always ready to be entrusted to handle for you all the procedures from project proposal to business license. 为了强化服务职能,还成立了外商投资服务中心,受投资者委托负责办理外商投资企业从立项到领取营业执照的全部手续。
- This is a request for anybody that is interested to cast a vote either in support or opposition to this new project proposal. 任何对投票感兴趣的人无论支持计划还是反对计划都请参与投票。
- PMT resolved this issue within one month of the DBSP issue before awarding the Project Proposal service order in July 2000. 在2000年7月,判定工程可研服务前,PMT在DBSP布告的一个月内决定布告。
- The project proposal in applying for the establishment of an inspection and authentication institution involving foreign investment. 五)申请设立外商投资进出口商品检验鉴定机构的项目建议书。
- There are two written deliverables: a project proposal, due at lecture session L10, and a final report, due at project session P1. 两份书面材料:第10课时提交专题提案,专题课1提交最后报告。
- The Walt Disney Company and the Shanghai municipal government have signed a project proposal to build the first Disney park on the Chinese mainland. 迪士尼公司与上海市政府已经签署了在中国大陆建造第一座迪士尼乐园的项目计划书。
- Submitted project descriptions may be very brixf (one page) but should also inclu rde all the information listed in the project proposal template (PDF). (PDF)所呈送的专案描述可能非常的简短(一页),但是其中应该包含列于专题提案样本中的所有资讯.
- Zhou Xiaofan submitted a huitong project proposal, approved by UIC SIFE team. This project is formally being founded. The project manager is Richard li . 2008周小凡同学提出会同村项目的提案。该项目正式立项。李驰欣然同学作为项目经理.
- GSI of the Globus Project proposes a grid security infrastructure based on X. Globus网格项目中的GSI(GridSecurityInfrastructure)主要基于X.
- I draw up a project proposal. 我草拟计划书
- The project proposal shall be drafted by the project owner or by the institution that has the corresponding qualification of project consultation under the entrustment of the project owner. 项目建议书应由建设单位或建设单位委托有相应工程咨询资质的机构编写。
- Corporatec Sponsors and course facul_ty are encouraged to submit one-page project proposal descriptions for inclusion in the project book to be distribute j to the students at the start of the cour w. 课程一开始分发给每个学生的资料,是由赞助商与课程教授所提供,是一页包含专题书的专题提案描述。
- Corporate Sponsors and course facultygare encouraged to submit one-page project proposal descriptions for inclusion in the project book to be distributed to the students at the start of the cour l. 课程一开始分发给每个学生的资料,是由赞助商与课程教授所提供,是一页包含专题书的专题提案描述。
- We will arrange short meetings with every group before the project proposal to help you refine your topic and would be happy to provide feedback on a draft of your proposal before it is due. 为了帮助你更好精炼主题,我们会在提交提案之前安排与每小组举行简短会议,也乐意在提交之前对草案提供反馈意见。
- Including Project Proposals, Results, Papers, and A Modified Lumsdaine Questionair based on the Ned Herrmann Four Quadrant Thinking Model. 含总计画及各子计画之计画书及成果发表资料;四项限思考模式之调查问卷.