- project amounts measurement 工程测量
- Add the Sales Amount measure to the data area. 将“销售额”度量值添加到数据区域。
- B 、 Succinct operation,right amount measurement range and higher costperformance,can be suitable forevery profession and trade use. B.;简洁的操作及适量的测量范围与较高的性价比,更能适合于各行业使用。
- detailed lists of project amounts 工程量清单
- Notice that the Reseller Sales Amount measure in the Data pane only displays sales amounts for large resellers of bikes. 注意,“数据”窗格中的“分销商销售额”度量值只显示大型自行车分销商的销售额。
- The Discussion of Project Amount List Price Mode 工程量清单计价模式探讨
- Remove the Yearly Income attribute hierarchy from the column area and remove the Internet Sales-Sales Amount measure of the Data pane. 从列区域删除“年收入”属性层次结构,从“数据”窗格中删除“Internet销售额”度量值。
- Add the Reseller Sales-Sales Amount measure to the data area, and then add the Product Categories user-defined hierarchy to the row area. 将“分销商销售-销售额”度量值添加到数据区域,再将“产品类别”用户定义层次结构添加到行区域。
- The Filter function limits those tuples being returned to those with lower values for the Reseller Sales Amount measure for the previous time period. Filter函数将返回元组限制为先前时段内Reseller Sales Amount度量值较低的那些元组。
- the project amount inventory valuates 工程量清单计价
- The total returned for the [All] member for the Internet Sales Amount measure is the total for the Accessories and Clothing members only. 对Internet Sales Amount度量值的[All]成员返回的合计是仅针对Accessories和Clothing成员的合计。
- After the completion of airport related transport network,the government is embarking on the planning and implementation of five new railway projects. Total investment in these projects amounts to some $120 billion. 与机场有关的道路和铁路工程完成后,当局正策划及实施五项新铁路计划,这些计划的总投资额超过1200亿元:
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- He ventured on an ambitious project. 他冒险从事一项富有雄心的计画。
- In the Metadata pane, expand Measures, expand Internet Sales, and then drag the Sales Amount measure to the Drop Totals or Detail Fields Here area of the Data pane. 在“元数据”窗格中,依次展开“度量值”、“Internet销售”,然后将“销售额”度量值拖到“数据”窗格的“将合计或详细信息字段拖至此处”区域。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- After the completion of airport related transport network, the government is embarking on the planning and implementation of five new railway projects. Total investment in these projects amounts to some $120 billion. 与机场有关的道路和铁路工程完成后,当局正策划及实施五项新铁路计划,这些计划的总投资额超过1200亿元:
- The following example returns the Reseller Sales Amount measure for the Bayern member in the State-Province attribute hierarchy using the StrToMember function. 下面的示例使用StrToMember函数返回State-Province属性层次结构中Bayern成员的Reseller Sales Amount度量值。
- A new project is in contemplation. 一项新的工程正在规划中。
- The following example specifies cell for the month of July, 2003 for the reseller sales amount measure (the default measure) for the country of Australia. 下例指定了"July,2003"与Australia分销商销售额度量值(默认度量值)交叉的单元。