- You can pass the name of any defined type in. 中传递任何已定义的类型的名称。
- An array with one of these defined types. 具有上面某个已定义类型的数组。
- Given the type name, the attributes, the type that the defined type extends, and the packing size of the type. 在给定类型名称、属性、已定义类型扩展的类型和类型的封装大小的情况下,构造。
- Given the type name, the attributes, the type that the defined type extends, and the total size of the type. 在给定类型名称、属性、已定义类型扩展的类型和类型的总大小的情况下,构造。
- If another entry for a user defined type is already within the file, separate the entries with a semicolon. 如果文件中已经包含了另一个用户自定义类型的入口定义,请用分号来分割这些入口定义。
- Given the type name, attributes, the type that the defined type extends, the packing size of the defined type, and the total size of the defined type. 在给定类型名称、属性、已定义类型扩展的类型,已定义类型的封装大小和已定义类型的总大小的情况下,构造。
- The most obvious meta-annotation is one that allows you to indicate which program elements can have annotations of the defined type. 最明显的元注释就是允许何种程序元素具有定义的注释类型。
- programmer defined structured value [计] 程序员定义结构值
- With traditional assemblers, compilers, and interpreters, the programmer defines a procedure telling the computer exactly how to solve a problem. 用传统的汇编语言、编译语言和解释语言,程序员确定了一个确切地告诉计算机如何去解决问题的过程。
- If you have defined a class or structure, you can define type conversion operators between String and the type of your class or structure. 如果您定义了类或结构,可以定义String与您的类或结构的类型之间的类型转换运算符。
- During the verification process, MSIL code is examined in an attempt to confirm that the code can access memory locations and call methods only through properly defined types. 验证过程中检查MSIL代码,尝试确认该代码只能通过正确定义的类型访问内存位置和调用方法。
- The pointer is said to have restricted mutability because the defining type controls whether the value can be mutated. 指针具有受限的可变性,因为定义类型控制了值是否可变。
- You must manually define type libraries containing variable-length arrays, as shown in the following example. 必须手动定义包含可变长度数组的类型库,如下面的示例中所示。
- programmer defined data type [计] 程序员定义数据类型
- The programmer come up with a solution to the system problem. 程序员想出了一个解决系统问题的办法。
- Some languages let programmers define data types that specify only what data make up the type. 有一些语言允许程序员定义的数据类型只能指定组成该类型的数据。
- We have a vacancy for a computer programmer. 我们有一个电脑程式设计师缺额。
- programmer defined scalar type [计] 程序员定义标量类型
- Type M programmer is available in four models. M型程序单元有四种系列。
- The boundary is not clearly defined. 这疆界没有明确划定。