- Whereas some might denounce the pharmaceutical industry's profit seeking, Kremer wants to harness it. 因而有些人可能会谴责制药产业的利益导向,这正是克利梅想利用的一点。
- Meanwhile, Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce faces many problems.First, the role of chamber is illegible that embodies in the tendency of profit seeking. 但同时,温州商会的发展也面临着诸多困境,一是角色模糊,存在较强烈的营利倾向;
- We seek personal growth and enable others to do so. 寻求个人成长同时也诲人不倦。
- In this situation, the enterprises, as well as the academia area, put high attention on the logistics cost, since the logistics cost is the last profit seeking area at present. 而社会分工的细化使得第三方物流企业这样一种专业的物流运作实体得以产生,然而其成本管理模式和方法还极不完善。
- Besides the producer and distributor's moral decline in profit seeking, the imperfectness in food safety guarantee mechanism is a more important cause of the rises of such cases. 造成我国食品安全问题屡禁不绝的重要原因除了生产商、经营者唯利是图、道德沦丧外,还在于我国食品安全保障机制的不健全。
- In the process, PMCs are raising questions about the privatization of foreign policy, and whether a profit seeking company can be accountable with limited government oversight. 参考译文:在过去的10年里,私营军事公司(简称PMC)在输出安全、战略及训练外军等工作中悄悄地扮演着主要角色。
- Objective: To Study Sensation seeking personality particularity with of painters with different painting kinds and styles. 摘要目的:探讨不同绘画种类和绘画风格美术工作者的感觉寻求人格特质倾向。
- Geomantic essence is the harmony that seeks person and environment. 风水的本质是追求人与环境的和谐。”
- A pure emotion is one which is not mixed, which never seeks personal profit. 一个纯的情感是没有混杂其它的情感,也绝不寻求个人利益。
- The development trend of Chinese candy packaging should seek personalized. 我国糖果包装的发展趋势要追求个性化。
- DUP directly unproductive profit seeking activities 直接谋求非生产性利润的活动
- Face temptation, most leader cadre can the calm is relative, but be out of shape nohow, shamelessly seek personal gain person also there is no lack of its person. 升迁,对于领导干部来说,毫无疑问极具诱惑力。面对诱惑,多数领导干部能够坦然相对,但是失态变形、蝇营狗苟者也不乏其人。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- It is not only a number of senior cadres who seek personal privileges but also some at all levels and in all departments. 特殊化不只是部分高级干部,各级都有,各个部门都有。
- Food hygiene supervisors shall enforce laws impartially, be loyal to their duties and may not seek personal gain by taking advantage of their office. 食品卫生监督员必须秉公执法,忠于职守,不得利用职权谋取私利。
- directly unproductive profit seeking (DUP) activities 直接谋求非生产性利润的活动(简写为dup)
- There were other reasons, for example, seeking personal profits, acting on impulse, not uniting with partners, being the hostage, being sent as an envoy, revenging and so on. 其他原因为谋取私利、情感冲动、与朝中共事者不和、为救被俘家口、作为人质、出使被扣留、复仇等。
- They face charges including neglect of duty, falsifying accounts, misleading investors and to seek personal gains, and so on. 他们面临的指控包括疏于职守、虚报账目、误导投资人以及牟取私利等。
- I did profit by the advice they gave me. 他们给我提的意见的确对我有很大好处。
- The shop expect to make a small profit this year. 这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。