- Many crimes have a monetary profit motive. 很多犯罪都有获得金钱利益的动机。
- Large corporations magnify the consequences of the amoral profit motive. 大公司加剧了这种超道德利润驱动的后果。
- Drucker also makes it clear that entrepreneurship does not require a profit motive. 杜拉克还明确指出,企业家精神并不以盈利为动机。
- Profits motivate this strategy along with ethics. 利润和伦理是这种商业策略的动机。
- The ethics of "taking care of your customer" and profit motive are strongly aligned. “为客户服务”的商业道德与利润驱动,完美的结合在一起。
- Our task is to take advantage of this historic moment to remove the profit motive in newsgathering. 我们要做的就是抓住这一历史时刻,去除掉新闻采集中的利润动机。
- He wanted institutional diversity and motivational variety, not monolithic markets and singular dominance of the profit motive. 他希望看到体制和动机的多样性,而不是单一的市场或是利润动机占据惟一主导地位。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- Still, Scientific Learning will have to be boffo to win broad acceptance in a market marked by fierce competition, feuding theorists and frequent disdain for the profit motive. 在这个产品竞争激烈、理论家们长期争执不休以及时常遭受人们对其谋利动机的鄙视这样一种市场环境中,科学学习公司将不得不以极为成功、极其出色的训练效果来赢得社会的广泛认同。
- Her suicide was motivated by desperation. 她自杀的诱因是自暴自弃。
- The Institute of Environmental Technology (IET), a virtual organization without profit motive, was formed in 1992 to offer introductory and advanced environmental training. 美国环境技术研究所(IET)成立于1992年,是一个非盈利性机构,提供初级和高级环境教育课程。
- For the most part this is met with much resistance because of the punk ethic of musical integrity which punks often feel is threatened by record label profit motivation. 自打朋克乐一开始有,主流唱片公司就已经试着从地下朋克文化中获利了。很多时候这遇到了许多缘于朋克音乐的真实纯洁性伦理的抵制,朋克们常常感觉到唱片公司牟利动机对此的威胁。
- He was serving a ten spot for arson. 他因纵火罪在服十年徒刑。
- He was brought to trial on charges of arson. 他以纵火罪被送法院审理。
- He was arraigned on a charge of arson. 他因被控犯纵火罪被传讯。
- I did profit by the advice they gave me. 他们给我提的意见的确对我有很大好处。
- The shop expect to make a small profit this year. 这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。
- They are motivated by the twin goads of punishment and reward. 他们受赏与罚的双重因素所激励。
- To make drugs affordable in places where annual family incomes were often less than the cost of an MP3 player, the first thing that would have to be jettisoned was the profit motive. 换句话说,这个企业第一个要放弃的,就是牟利的动机。
- He was charged with arson, but his lawyer helped him beat the rap. 他被控纵火,但他的律师为他开脱了罪责。