- Professional market of plastic industry. 塑料行业专业市场;
- Barco is a world leader in professional markets, in which it offers display and visualization solutions. 巴可是一家全球领先的向专业市场提供显示及可视化解决方案的公司。
- For years now video editing has been limited by cost to the high-end professional market. 多年来,视频编缉由于成本高昂而局限于高档专业市场。
- TNS is world largest professional market research and consulting company, founded in 1964 with its headquarter in London, UK. TNS是全球最大的专业个案市场研究咨询公司,成立于1964年,总部位于英国伦敦。
- Li Zhengxi: Security market and property right trade the market is two collateral markets, it is two different professional markets. 李正希:证券市场和产权交易市场是两个并行的市场,是两个不同的专业市场。
- Accordingly, electronic commerce industry together hypostatic and professional market will make a kind of trend increasingly. 因此,电子商务企业联手实体专业市场将日益成为一种趋势。
- Moreover, All of the services provided by BH are analyzed one by one in detail through the professional market analysis tools. 同时也对我国当前第三方物流的发展趋势进行了详细地分析,让读者对第三方物流企业在中国的发展环境有了全面地认识。
- The relationship between Zhejiang traditional manufacture industrial cluster and professional market is symbiosis and interacting development. 浙江传统制造产业群和专业市场之间已形成共生共荣、互动发展的关系,形成了浙江经济增长的长波效应。
- Justice-Reach Consulting Research Institution (MCR) is a company that put together professional market research and investment consultation as one integrate research institution. 嘉世-锐智咨询研究机构(MCR)是一家集专业市场研究和投资咨询业务为一体的综合研究机构。
- Catalpa yuan the skin of 13 shoes line of business that hillock takes an assemble has professional market, the year's harvest hands in the forehead to exceed 10 billion yuan. 梓元岗一带所集聚的13个鞋业皮具专业市场,年成交额超过100亿元。
- Until 1995, government intervention through the ad hoc management committee, only from a "country market" model, upgraded to run Zero regional professional market. 直至1995年政府介入,通过特设的管理委员会进行管理,才摆脱了"集贸市场"的模式,升级为批零兼营的区域专业市场。
- And the analysis according to them, product of lamps and lanterns is at present professional strong, choose leeway big, market share is centered in professional market relatively. 而按照他们的分析,目前灯具产品专业性强,挑选余地大,市场份额相对集中在专业市场。
- Family decorative professional population market is unified by the MOC naming, 15 major cities throughout the country to promote family decorative professional market. 百姓家庭装饰专业市场是由国家建设部统一命名、在全国15个重点城市推广的家庭装饰专业化市场。
- He has achieved eminence in his profession. 他在职业上出人头地。
- Teaching is a demanding profession. 教学工作是个要求很高的工作。
- Perhaps every profession has got its black sheep. 也许每个行业都有害群之马。
- Mr. Mann: Sure. A professional marketing survey agency was invited to do it. Here is the survey report. 曼先生:当然,我们请的是专业的市场调查公司。这是我们的市场调查报告。
- He has just turned professional. 他刚转为专业人员。
- He laddered to the top of his profession. 他跃上他的行业的最高峰。
- He is a leading member of the medical profession. 他是医疗业中首屈一指的医生。