- Bih Lu Tea Plantation uses natural farming and professional management methods. (碧庐茶园是以自然农法栽培与专业管理的高山茶园。
- AMB s professional management team oversees the operation of all portfolios. 安博的专业管理人员能对物业的建设及运营进行有效管理。
- Nearly half a century was needed for the concept of professional management to establish itself. 为建立管理是专门职业这一概念,曾花费了将近半个世纪的时间。
- Study and follw professional management principles.Apply them logically and practically to your organization. 不断地学习,遵循专业化的管理准则,并随时运用到你的组织管理中去。
- The importance of professional management in architectural adornment field shown through market subdivision. 由市场细分显现建筑装饰专业化管理的重要性。
- Establish web site for Gansu Professional Managers Association. 建立甘肃省职业经理人协会网站。
- Is the Professional Management the Road of Hua Mountain for the Enterprise Owned and Run by a Family? 职业化管理是家族企业成长之华山路吗?
- YiFeng Group,combineing professional management and scale one,pursues to be the most advanced storage center in YiWu. 集专业化和规模化管理于一身的忆丰集团力求做义乌最先进的仓储中心。
- A successful professional managers is how to treat these changes? 一个成功的职业经理人是如何看待这一连串转变的呢?
- Certificate for professional manager of Fortune 500. 颁发全球500强职业经理专业证书。
- Maintain the legal rights of professional managers based on law. 依法维护职业经理人的合法权益。
- How does professional manager establish right concept and attitude? 职业经理人正确观念和心态?
- How does professional manager train excellent subordinates? 职业经理人培养优秀部属?
- Main professional management of imports of the Swedish SKF Bearing, Germany FAG. 主要专业经营瑞典SKF进口轴承,德国FAG.
- The company has large-scale production base, advanced production equipments, and a team of professional management and technicians. 本公司拥有大规模的研发生产基地,先进的生产机械设备及一批专业的管理人员和技术人才。
- On the other hand, we must reform our administrative system, and turn the investor management model into professional management model. 另一方面,必须改革管理制度,实现投资人管理模式向职业经理人管理模式的转变。
- PepTalk has a well established R&D team and a very professional management executive team with international business experiences. 公司拥有一支具有中高级技术职称的专业化技术队伍和有着国际化管理经验的管理团队。主要技术骨干长期从事移动增值服务系统软件开发,在无线技术方面有着丰富的研发和商务经验。
- He has achieved eminence in his profession. 他在职业上出人头地。
- Teaching is a demanding profession. 教学工作是个要求很高的工作。
- Our color tecnology department designs and produces a wide range of software applications for the professional management of color information. 我们的色彩技术部门为色彩信息专营者设计并生产了大量的应用软件.