- product patent right 产品专利权
- Necessity is the mother of invention, but patent right is the father. 需要是发明之母,但专利权是发明之父。
- Can I myself assign a patent right in China? 我可以在中国转让专利权吗?
- A patent right usually remains valid for 15 years. 一项专利的有效期一般为15年。
- A patent right is an exclusive right to an invention. 专利权就是发明的专有权。
- An advertisement should not lie about the patent right of any product that has not factually obtained the patent right. 未取得专利权的,不得在广告中谎称取得专利权。
- This product has been granted the patent right in 12 countries, and we have been applying for patent right of this product in 43 more countries through international PCT. 本产品获 12 项国家专利,并通过国际 PCT 组织向 43 个国家申请了专利。
- No environmental pollution is confirmed to environmental demand, and there exists product patent number. 无公害符合环保需求,并有产品专利字号。
- One who owns the patent right enjoys the exclusive right to exploit it. 持专利权的人享有实施这项专利的绝对权力。
- The right to apply for a patent and the patent right may be assigned. 专利申请权和专利权可以转让。
- The supply of cheap medicines was only possible because Indian law hitherto had no product patent constraints. 便宜药品的供应之所以可能,只因为印度的法律到目前位置没有产品专利限制。
- Very splendid. How about patent rights? 很不错。它的专利权怎么样呢?
- Necessity is the mother of invention,but patent right is the father. 需要是发明之母,但专利权是发明之父。
- Have stronger own innovation capacity, as famous as domestic much place college and research organization cooperate, own multinomial product patent. 具有较强的自主创新能力,并与国内多所著名高校和研究机构合作,拥有多项产品专利。
- When a patent right yield no more profit,protection becomes meaningless. 享有专利权如果不能更多地获利,那么专利权的保护便失去了意义。
- In some countries, the patent right duration for invention is 20 years. 在一些国家,发明专利的保护期限是20年。
- When a patent right yields no more profit, protection becomes meaningless . 享有专利权如果不能更多地获利,那么专利权的保护便失去了意义。
- For any identical invention-creations, only one patent right shall be granted. 第十三条同样的发明创造只能被授予一项专利。
- Where the patentee abandons his or its patent right by a written declaration. 专利权人以书面声明放弃其专利权的。
- When a patent right yield no more profit, protection become meaningless. 享有专利权如果不能更多地获利,那么专利权的保护便失去了意义。