- Incoming check process planning and implementation. 进货检验工艺的策划和执行。
- By analysis of machining focal point for guide frame to design multifunction templates and processing plan. 对导向架的加工要点进行了分析,并设计了多用途样板和工艺方案。
- It analyses the mechanical factors and electrochemical fault of distributor axis,works out the process plans. 分析分配器轴失效的电化学、机械影响因素和原因,制订制造方案。
- The processing plan of changing medium thickness cood product structure and economic kenefit are introduced. 介绍了改变中煤产品结构的工艺方案,以及此工艺方案所带来的经济效益。
- Aid design engineers in cost management and process planning. 协助设计工程师对样机的制造成本的管理和相关工艺的编制。
- This system is used to simulate the whole integration process of CAPP and PPC, and optimize process plans and production plans as a whole. 系统可用来对CAPP和PPC的整个集成过程进行仿真,生成整体优化的工艺计划和生产计划。
- Do you have a payroll process planned for your business? 你有为生意计划了的工资处理系统吗?
- The CAPP is shortend form of computer aided process planning. CAPP(Computer Aidied Process Planning)是计算机辅助工艺设计的简称。
- It gave the super light worsted goods textural design and processing plan from material selecting, spinning, weaving,dyeing and finishing. 从原料,纺纱,织造,后整理加工,织物设计等几个方面,浅析了新型骨架纱超薄精纺毛织品的设计手法和生产工艺。
- A processing plan and injection mould with two-step parting mechanism has been designed through the analysis of the technology of shampoo lid. 通过对洗发水瓶盖的工艺分析,确定零件的生产方案并设计了二次分型注射模具。
- Document and obtain appropriate approvals for exceptions to the Project Process Plan and Project Process Procedures. 为项目进程计划和项目程序规定之外的特例情况提供文件证明,并获得相应的批准。
- Unifies the characteristic of Zhoushan area, studying emergency processing plan which deal with leaking chemical pollution has very vital significance. 结合舟山海域的特点,研究对于有毒化学品污染泄漏的应急处理有着很重要的意义。
- Objective:Research and development of anesthetization process plan of Abstinence syndrome occurring in the on-operation toxicomania patients. 目的:探讨药物成瘾的病人围术期出现戒断症状的麻醉处理方案。
- Property of cuprammonium rayon was introduced.Three passages drawing was done,and this processing plan was adopted when spinning cuprammonium rayon cotton blended knitting yarn. 介绍了铜氨纤维的特性,铜氨纤维与棉纤维混和纺制针织用纱的工艺方案是采用三道并条的工艺。
- Careful working attitude, sense of responsibility, time conscious, strictly carries out taste according to process plan. 工作细心,责任心强,时间观念强,并能严格执行作业流程;
- It can help existing CAPP systems to generate realistic and economical process plans, and lets designers efficiently undertake manufacturability evaluation. 它能帮助现有的CAPP系统进行具体的、经济的工艺规划,并且让设计者有效地进行产品的可制造性评估。
- This article elaborated the selection of processing plan on drainage reclamation, and introduced relative merits of electrodialysis and existing questions. 阐述了污水回用工艺方案的选择,介绍了电渗析的优缺点及存在的问题。
- When the basic invest of two process plans have great differences, should consider not only the process cost but also the difference of pay-back period of two invests. 两种工艺方案的基本投资差额较大时,则在考虑工艺成本的同时,还要考虑基本投资差额的回收期限。
- Multi-agent systems based on Distributed Artificial Intellige nce(DAI) provide efficient methodology to solve the complexity of dyna mically distributed process plan system. 分布式人工智能(DAI)领域的多代理技术可以有效地解决当前分布动态工艺管理系统的复杂性。
- The technique character of the baffle of inspirator was introduced.A feasible process plan was determined and the integral piercing blanking bending forming die was designed. 介绍了呼吸器挡板零件工艺特点,确定了合理的工艺方案,设计1副落料、冲孔、压弯三道工序一次成形的模具。