- There is no processing fee for an appeal. 上诉无需支付审理费。
- The visa processing fee is non-refundable. 签证费是不可以退还的。
- How much is your processing fee? 你们的加工费是多少?
- You say: No problem. May I ask how much the processing fee is? 我:好的,请问汇款手续费是多少?有规定吗?
- Post Remittance Warrant of Application Processing Fee. 邮寄申请费的凭证。
- Please note the processing fee for a multiple entry visa is RMB1000. 请注意多次进入有效的签证的审查费是人民币1000元。
- Earning processing fee is not the sole object of our accepting order for processing of supply material. 赚取加工费并不是我们接受来料加工订单的唯一目标。
- We charge a five-dollar processing fee for lost books plus the cost of replacing the book. 除了赔偿书款外,我们还要收五块钱的手续费。
- In the case of small orders up to75 EURO, Mentor reserves the right to levy a processing fee of10 EURO. 如是75欧元的小量订单,门拓有权征收10欧元的手续费。
- Earning processing fee is not the sole object of our accepting orders for processing suppplied materials. 收取加工费并不是我们接受来料加工业务的唯一目的。
- In the case of small orders up to 75 EURO, Mentor reserves the right to levy a processing fee of 10 EURO. 如是75欧元的小量订单,门拓有权征收10欧元的手续费。
- W: We charge a five-dollar processing fee for lost books plus the cost of replacing the book. 女:除了赔偿书款外,我们还要收五块钱的手续费。
- Payment of the processing fee and shipping expenses shall be made by irrevocable letter of credit to be opened by you. 你方用不可撤销的信用证支付加工费和装运费。
- I request admission to Wah Mei School for my child. A non-refundable processing fee of $25 is submitted with my application. 本人为孩子向华美申请入学; 连同申请表格附上25元作为手续费;该25元概不退费.
- Print and processing fees vary according to film type. 冲洗费与列印费将因软片种类而异。
- I request admission to Wah Mei School for my child. A non-refundable processing fee of $25 is submitted with my application. 本人为孩子向华美申请入学;连同申请表格附上25元作为手续费;该25元概不退费.
- All the materials are provided by you, while our company is only responsible for processing, for which we would charge a processing fee. 全部材料由你方提供,我公司只负责加工,因此需要收取加工费。
- A packet containing the Affidavit of Support (I-864) Processing Fee Invoice has been sent to the petitioner or attorney of record. 包含处理费发票的支持(I-864)的供词的一包已经被寄给记录的请愿者或者律师。
- Federal skilled worker applicants who do not meet the above criteria will be informed of this and will have their processing fee refunded. 不能满足上述条件的联邦技术移民将会被通知上面的内容,并且他们的处理费用会被退还。
- What about the processing fee ? 加工费怎么个算法?