- Stable performance and low processing cost. 性能稳定,加工成本低,目前应用最广泛。
- Fittings for pex-al-pex pipe: what is your process cost per ton? 交联铝塑复合管管件的加工费是多少钱每吨?
- The method of process costing used. 存货成本计算方法。
- Creating a search folder incurs a certain processing cost on the Exchange server. 创建搜索文件夹会在Exchange服务器上产生一定的处理开销。
- The database operations associated with SQL cache dependency are simple and therefore do not incur a heavy processing cost on the server. 与SQL缓存依赖项关联的数据库操作比较简单,因此不会给服务器带来很高的处理成本。
- Removing the WHERE clause reduces the processing cost of the search request, and reduces the increase in the size of the transaction logs. 删除WHERE子句可以减少处理搜索请求时的开销,并减少事务日志大小的增加量。
- Checking the schema increases the processing cost of the request and accounts for most of the cost required to process the search request. 检查架构会增加请求的处理开销,并占用了处理搜索请求所需的大部分开销。
- Single station cost refers to the part of cost increases with the increase of material and processing cost due to added communication function. 单站点成本指:产品(单站点)由于增加了通信功能,而使材料费和加工费用增加而增加的成本部分。
- Job order and process costing system are similar in many ways. 分批法和分步法在很多地方是相似的。
- The processing cost that no matter be sewage is answered,using still is briny desalt is very high, so we can be collected use water this kind of cleaner water. 无论是污水回用还是海水淡化的处理成本都很昂贵,所以我们可以收集利用雨水这种较纯净的水。
- To reduce the TCP flow processing cost,some bit patterns selected from the TCP/IP packet can be used as TCP flow identification. 为了降低TCP流的处理开销;可以从TCP/IP报文中选取某些位串来作为流的标识.
- Tool selection is a key problem that influence part face quality and process cost in CAPP system. 刀具选择是影响CAPP系统中工件表面质量和加工成本的关键环节,而刀具优化配置也是车间资源中最为复杂和具有柔性的一部分。
- There are two basic types of cost accounting systems: job order cost accounting and process cost accounting. 有两种基本的成本会计方法:分披成本会计与分步成本会计。
- Most hardfacing alloys have relatively low ductility and cannot be produced as monolithic continuous wires without incurring significant processing cost. 相对而言大部分硬面合金延展性差,在没有大幅提高工艺成本的情况下,是很难造出单一连续的焊丝的。
- A reasonable conditioning during the feed manufacturing can increase digestibility of feed and processing quality, also reduce processing cost and get more sanitary feed. 合理的饲料调质可提高饲料可消化性、改良饲料的加工质量、降低加工成本和获取更为卫生的饲料。
- They have simitrde and differentia, and were often confused used.So cause high processing cost and make a loss to corporations because of incorrect measurement. 它们有共同点,也有不同点,容易造成在应用上的混淆,以导致加工成本过高或检测不当给企业造成经济损失。
- When the basic invest of two process plans have great differences, should consider not only the process cost but also the difference of pay-back period of two invests. 两种工艺方案的基本投资差额较大时,则在考虑工艺成本的同时,还要考虑基本投资差额的回收期限。
- In such situations, accountants turn to a process costing system to accumulate costs. 这种生产类型的企业一般用分步法计算产品成本。
- If only designated parts are allowed, we would be in an advatageous position only in terms of procession cost, but in a disadvantageous position in material purchasing. 如果使用指定部品,则我们的优势只是在加工费等方面,在材料采购上可能处于劣势。