- As the name of this process variable. 作为流程变量名。
- Create an action to save the variable designs. 建立一个行动,以拯救变量设计。
- Process variable information may need to be copied back from the sub process execution into the super process execution. 子业务程序完成后,父级业务程序能够执行,需要考虑
- The fusion course of different material (Fe and Ni)in spot weld with different process variable was researched.The weldableness and the selection of parameter were researched,too. 对异质材料铁-镍点焊在不同规范下熔合过程进行了试验研究,包括可焊性及规范参数的选择。
- Often, the field operator could adjust the controllers for constant output when the process variable and setpoint were both equal to 1V but not when they were both equal to 5V. 有时,1到5V的输入信号已经可用,那么可变电阻就是多余的了。那么 在控制器上就可以不插这个电阻。
- In this paper,a part modeling method based on variable design and group technology(GT)in CAD is proposed. This method has been applied to the development of a practical CAD system, and a satisfactory result has been achieved. 讨论了在CAD技术中基于变型设计和成组技术的零件建模方法,并将这种方法应用于一个实际的零件CAD系统的设计中,取得了满意的效果。
- The production metod,technical character,application properties,process variable and process character of commun;caticn calleloating resin are described in this paper. 介绍了溶液法工艺生产中密度聚乙烯护套料的方法,技术性能,应用性能,工艺参数和加工性能。
- It discusses the characteristic of rapid variable product design and PDM technology, describes the procedure of rapid product model with integrated PDM, shows the detail about the application of integrated CAx and rapid variable design strategy. 探讨了快速变型技术和PDM应用系统的特点,分析了在PDM系统集成环境下的快速变型设计过程,论证了以PDM系统作为数据平台,集成各CAx应用系统,采用快速变型设计技术是进行快速产品设计的最佳实施策略。
- The demography of people with visual impairments including gender, education, age, typology of people with visual impairments and conscious ability were applied to process variable analysis. 视障者属性包含性别、教育程度、年龄层、视障类型、知觉能力等被应用于进行变项差异分析。
- The structure of PCA model is built and verified when Q statistics and T2 statistics are used to analyze whether the process variable is satisfied for the requirement of stable running. 该结构采用对主元模型的建立与检验、利用Q统计量,T2统计量分析确定过程变量是否满足要求,建立统计量监视图的组态等功能,最终判断出系统是否在稳定运行状态。
- Normal Random Variable Design and Numerical Test 正态随机变量设计和数值试验
- The effects of the process variables on the physical properties were investigated.The feed rate was the most important variable affecting the extrudate's physical properties. 研究结果显示,进料速率是在双轴挤压穖的加工变数中,影响挤压产品之上列物理特性最显著的因子。
- Process variables are studied to ext. the max. possible nicotine from tobacco dust waste contg. 1.16% nicotine. 关于从含有1.;16%25尼古丁的烟草废料中萃取尽可能多的尼古丁的工艺变量被研究。
- Table 3 The analysis of variance of process variables to extrudate's experimental results. 表3加工参数对各反应性状之变方分析。
- Table3 The correlation between process variables and extrudate ’s experimental results. 表3加工参数对各反应性状之相关性。
- Effects of various process variables on average flow velocity of LFC liquid aluminum in the mold have been studied. 研究了各工艺因素对消失模铸造铝液在型腔中平均流速的影响。
- Table2 The analysis of variance of process variables to extrudate's experimental results. 表2加工参数对各反应性状之变方分析。
- A neural networks model based on PCA-CGA-RBF was proposed to infer the MI of manufactured products from real process variables. 摘要建立一个基于PCA-CGA-RBF的径向基函数网络模型,从过程变量中预则产品的熔融指数(MI)。
- Rice flour was used to study the effects of process variables on extrudate's physical properties in an APV Baker MPF50/25 twin-screw extruder. 摘要米谷粉被应用于研究双轴挤压机之加工变数对挤压产品物理特性之影响。
- Various trend illustrations are presented, and significant-index plots to indicate the degrees of contribution of process variables are given. 提出了多种趋势图,以及反映过程变量对主导频谱贡献程度的显著度指标图。