- process state vector 进程状态向量
- The vector Z is known as the state vector of the system. 向量Z称为系统的状态向量。
- The state vector of the response of guyed masts under both white noises and excitations is a Markov chain. 桅杆结构是由柔软的纤绳和细长的杆身组成,其大变形及强非线性使得动力特性十分复杂。
- This model is used to bui1d a nonlinear smoother for the estimation of the state vector when DRS measurements are available. 并将该模型用于建立一个在DRS观测值存在的情况下,状态向量估计的非线性平滑器。
- Multisensor measurement fusion has an advantage over multisensor state vector fusion to satisfy with more and more rigorous accuracy demand of engineering applications. 随着工程应用对融合精度的要求日益增大,与多传感器特征级融合相比,多传感器量测级融合技术将具有更大的优势。
- During configuration, it is necessary to define whether a process state will be displayed with an operational message or a fault message. 在组态过程中必须定义一个过程状态是使用运行报文显示还是使用故障报文显示。
- The concept of state vector stems from the statistical physics, where it is usually used to describe the evolution of a continuum field in the way of coarse graining. 摘要态矢量来源于统计物理学,是一种对连续场进行粗粒化描述的方法。
- The process state of primary brine and technological innovations in this system in Chongqing Tianyuan Chemical Industry General Plant are introduced. 介绍了重庆天原化工总厂一次盐水工艺状况及其系统的技术改造情况。
- If the gauge compensating term is added to the action, the S matrix in the physical state vector space can be expressed in a form which has no couplings of physical and unphysical particles, and so the physical S matrix is gauge independent and unitary. 在作用量中添上规范补偿项以后;物理态空间中的S矩阵可以写成物理粒子和非物理粒子之间没有耦合的形式;显示出S矩阵的规范无关性和么正性.
- Base on particle Langevin equation of two -phase flows,two different PDF equations on different level are obtained by dealing with colour-noise using the method of state vector expanding and reducing. 由颗粒运动的朗之万方程出发,对流体脉动速度采用扩维方法,把色噪声转化为白噪声,再降维从而得到两个不同层次的PDF输运方程。
- The state vector augmenting filter, influence function correcting filter and functional model fitting filter are all discussed as the frame of functional model compensation filter. 摘要将控制有色噪声影响的自适应滤波算法分为函数模型补偿滤波和随机模型补偿滤波两类。
- This resulted in six other processes which needed this mutex entering the MUTEX process state by the time of the CLUEXIT crash. 最后就导致其他需要这种互斥机制的六个进程在到 CLUEXIT 崩溃的时候,能够进入 MUTEX 进程状态。
- The state vector s expectation, variance and covariance matrices are given under the conditions of the systems with regular infinite extreme point and singular infinite extreme point. 在系统具有正则无穷远极点和奇异无穷远极点的条件下,得到了系统状态向量的均值、方差阵及协方差阵的计算公式。
- One thing to keep in mind is that the budget director should take positive role during the process stated above rather than a passive transmitter. 有一点需要注意的是,预算主管在履行上述责任的过程中,要发挥积极能动的作用,而不是简单作为一个被动的信息传递者。
- Plastic materials are either liquid or moldable during the processing state ,after which they turn to a solid . 塑料制品在加工成型工程中既是液态的也是可模压的,之后便会形成固体。
- Detects the process state of an object, and performs processing necessary to deliver unprocessed or partially processed objects to a fully processed state. 检测对象的处理状态,进行必要的处理,将未处理对象或部分处理的对象转变成为已完全处理的对象。
- The study on state vector in East China 华东地区态矢量的研究
- The digital signals are passed into the processing state machine. The processing state machine is used to analyze and count rotation or motion. 这些数字信号进入信号处理状态机,信号处理状态机根据这些信号分析并计数旋转或移动;
- In this paper the nodal displacements and forces of bending bars are taken as state vectors. 取柱端位移和对应的柱端力作为状态变量,利用传递矩阵和逐段分析的方法来分析多跨多层框架。
- Experimental study of state vector 态矢量方法的实验研究