- Gets the name of the process module. 获取进程模块的名称。
- Determines whether the specified process module exists in the collection. 确定集合中是否存在指定的进程模块。
- This little list of all the software process, process module, the process window, and can kill the process. 这个小软件可以列出系统所有的进程、进程模块、进程窗口,并可以杀死进程。
- Besides UDDI, this architecture adds an engine for semantic matching, OWL-S/UDDI mapping module and a communication process module. 该框架除了UDDI外,还增加了语义匹配引警、OWL-S/UDDI映射模块以及通讯处理模块。
- ULSI:Advanced Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuit Process Module and device design.The ENE receives the grants totaling more than 57million N. 本所的发展方向为奈米电子元件、电力电子积体电路与元件、通讯积体电路与元件、奈米级积体电路元件与制程、及奈/微机电。
- We provide the technology which develop the key process module of OUM cell and good integration with traditional CMOS process. 本所的相变化记忆体元件制程技术,除了开发记忆胞的关键制程模组外,更具有与传统CMOS制程之良好相容性。
- The process module itself, with its flexible modular design is as impressive as the special pumping technique, which is based on low pressures and high flow rates. 产线的设备采取灵活性的标准设计,工作效果有如特异性水泵技术,此技术基于低水压高流量原则。
- The predictive expert system of equipment maintenance based on the ANN was composed of the control, measure, failure forecast, execution, data process module and database. 基于神经网络的装备维修预测专家系统由控制、测量、故障预测、执行和数据处理等模块及数据库组成。
- The audio signal from five different of signal sources, input the audio Signal process module, which finish the audio signal volume regulate, all the signal sources switch, treble/bass set etc task. 来自5路不同信源的音频信号,进入音频信号处理模块,来完成音频信号音量调节、各路信源切换、高低音设置等任务;
- As too many functions existed in EDB, we divided whole system by operation hierarchy, i.e., Interface Process Module, Database Engine Module, Data Access Module, Database Service Module and Data Store Module. 由于EDB中功能较多,我们将该系统的体现结构按照操作的层次进行了模块划分:接口处理层、数据库引擎层、数据存取层、数据库维护模块和数据存储模块。
- Event-driven FSM package is specially designed for basic call process module and expands the capability of FSM that can manage and transact with its several sub-FSMs by abstract events. 事件驱动状态机包专门为基本呼叫处理模块设计,扩展了一个状态机通过事件交互管理多个子状态机的功能。
- C-oriented structure of the language is the language of the design process, with the control sentence structure to function as a process module in order to achieve the modular process. C语言是面向结构化程序设计的语言,具有结构化的控制语句,以函数作为程序模块以实现程序的模块化。
- Listed in the system all processes are running, you can view the process module, process, program version, you can suspend the process. 列出系统正在运行的所有进程,可以查看进程模块,进程程序版本,可以中止进程。
- Developed VxD of signal processing module(a device driver fitted for windows 98). 开发了信号处理模块的VxD(适合Windows 98的设备驱动程序)。
- This is the GPS receiver, Baseband Processing Module cumulative module design code for the code tracking loop. 这是GPS接收机,基带处理模块中累加模块设计代码,用于码跟踪环。
- Atomic processing module uses task queue to manage received data and concurrently processes them in multithread. 原子处理模块采用任务队列来管理其接收到的数据,并以多线程来实现对任务的并发处理。
- This is the GPS receiver, Baseband Processing Module CA code generator module design code for the code tracking loop. 这是GPS接收机,基带处理模块中CA码产生模块设计代码,用于码跟踪环。
- You can use this class to get iterate over a collection of process modules on the system. 可以使用此类来循环访问系统上进程模块的集合。
- Some standard process modules and standard therblig base had been created to improve the maneuverability of the outputs. 为了使输出结果更具可操作性,建立了标准工艺块和标准动素库。
- This paper has discussed the scheme of the system, the design and realization of the data acquisition and processing module. 论文叙述了系统总体方案,偶极子阵列声波信号数据采集与处理模块的设计与实现。