- process meteorological data 气象数据处理
- Every eclipse expedition also collects meteorological data. 每一个日食观测队也同时搜集气象数据。
- Nanjing Sun Teacher of the wavelet early development process for the meteorological data obtained from the cycle, such as information intensity. 南京大学孙老师早年开发的小波程序,用于从气象数据中获取相应的周期、强度等信息。
- An instrument carried aloft, chiefly by balloon, to gather and transmit meteorological data. 无线电高空测候器一种被带到高空(主要由气球)进行气象数据收集和传送的仪器
- The State meteorological organ shall provide necessary meteorological data to civil aviation meteorological organ. 国家气象机构应当对民用航空气象机构提供必要的气象资料。
- To estimate or calculate in advance, especially to predict(weather conditions) by analysis of meteorological data. 预测,预报提前预料或估计,尤其指通过对气象数据的分析来预测(天气状况)
- To estimate or calculate in advance, especially to predict(weather conditions)by analysis of meteorological data. 预测,预报提前预料或估计,尤其指通过对气象数据的分析来预测(天气状况)
- To estimate or calculate in advance,especially to predict(weather conditions)by analysis of meteorological data. 预测,预报提前预料或估计,尤其指通过对气象数据的分析来预测(天气状况)
- Meteorological data are spatially interpolated to attain the spatial resolution matching remotely sensed data. 对气象数据进行空间插值以获取与遥感数据一致的空间分辨率。
- To estimate or calculate in advance, especially to predict (weather conditions) by analysis of meteorological data. 预测,预报提前预料或估计,尤其指通过对气象数据的分析来预测(天气状况)
- Commissioned entrant may use the network cable connection to receive real-time meteorological data from the Hong Kong Observatory. 获委约者可透过网络线的连接即时接收从香港天文台传送出的气象数据。
- The potential risk regions of Ambrosia trfida L. were estimated according to growth characters and historical meteorological data. 摘要根据三裂叶豚草的生长特性和我国气候特点,对三裂叶豚草在我国的适生区进行划分;
- Meteorological Data of TMY for Building Thermal Environment Analysis in Guiyang City is introduced in this paper, and these data are analyzed. 摘要介绍了贵阳市典型气象年建筑热环境分析用气象数据,并对这些数据进行了总结分析。
- FAAN (1999), Meteorological Data of Minna, Nigeria, Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria, Minna International Airport, 1999. 气象数据的明娜,尼日利亚联邦机场管理局的尼日利亚,明娜国际机场,1999年。
- Specifically, the researchers used meteorological data from the Goddard Earth Observing Data Assimilation System (GEOS) at NASA. 研究人员特别运用了美国宇航局Goddard地球观测数据同化系统的气象资料。
- A probe is made into the way for efficient upgoing transmission of meteorological data after the implementation of 9210 Project. 探讨9210工程业务化后,如何做好上行气象信息传输工作。
- Reference crop evapotranspiration(ET_0) estimates on the basis of FAO recommended methodology require some meteorological data; however another approach,i. e. 根据联合国粮农组织推荐的方法估算参考作物蒸发蒸腾量(ET0)需要具备一定的气象资料,而使用另一种方法,即蒸发计估测ET0,可以减少基于作物蒸发蒸腾量制定灌溉制度的工作量,并且降低其复杂度。
- On this basis, according to meteorological data and HDD and CDD two indicators, the District of Guiyang City belonged to the construction climate is discussed. 在此基础上,根据气象数据及采暖度日数和空调度日数两个指标,对贵阳市建筑气候分区区属进行了探讨。
- Based on the daily meteorological data of more than 200 stations all over China,daily reference evapotranspiration(ET_0) was(estimated) by using the FAO Penman-Monteith equation. 基于全国范围200多个气象站测站逐日气象观测资料,应用FAO-Penm an-M on te ith公式,计算得出各站历年逐日参照作物腾发量ET0。
- An application to meteorological data shows results similar to the one-class case as far as dimensionality reduction goes.A reasonable classification rate is also obtained. 气象应用说明,就维数压缩而论,结果与一类情况类似,并且还得到了合理的分类判断。