- process context stack pointer 进程关联堆栈指示字
- Gets the data item at the top of the data-binding context stack. 获取位于数据绑定上下文堆栈顶部的数据项。
- The object at the top of the data binding context stack. 位于数据绑定上下文堆栈顶部的对象。
- For example, you can use the stack pointer to follow the stack. 例如,可以使用堆栈指针跟踪堆栈。
- Stack pointer verification, which detects stack pointer corruption. 堆栈指针验证,该操作检测堆栈指针损坏。
- Gets the amount of physical memory mapped to the process context. 获取映射到进程上下文的物理内存量。
- A context stack provides a user-defined storage area, implemented as a stack. 上下文堆栈提供作为堆栈实现的用户定义的存储区域。
- Stack pointer corruption can be caused by a calling convention mismatch. 调用约定不匹配可能导致堆栈指针损坏。
- The stack pointer is moved down to create new memory and moved up to release that memory. 堆栈指针若向下移,会创建新的内存;若向上移,则会释放那些内存。
- When called, the REVERT statement switches the context to the login or user in the next level up in the context stack. 在调用时,REVERT语句将把上下文切换为上下文堆栈中上一级的登录帐户或用户。
- Containing the number of bytes of physical memory mapped to the process context. 包含映射到进程上下文的物理内存字节数的。
- There are no push or pop instructions and no dedicated stack pointer register defined by the architecture. 体系结构没有定义压入或者弹出指令,也没有定义专门的栈指针寄存器。
- Parameter is the offset from the stack pointer to the high-order part of the value. 参数是距离值的高位部分堆栈指针的偏移量。
- The business process context is strictly speaking multi-threaded, but in practice concurrency is sufficiently rare that this fact may be disregarded most of the time. 业务流程上下文严格的讲是多线程的,但是实际应用中,并发的情况非常少,大部分情况下都可以忽略。
- This lives in the general RAM (random-access memory) area,but has direct support from the processor via its stack pointer. 驻留于常规RAM(随机访问存储器)区域,但可通过它的“堆栈指针”获得处理的直接支持。
- As an alternative, the page table itself may occupy a different virtual-memory page for each process so that the page table becomes a part of the process context. 另外,各个进程的分页表本身可能也占有一个不同的虚拟存储页,分页表也变成了进程上下文的一部分。
- The primary exceptions are the stack pointer and malloc or alloca memory, which are aligned to 16 byte, in order to aid performance. 主要异常是堆栈指针和malloc或alloca内存,为了提高性能,它们的对齐方式为16字节对齐。
- The stack pointer must be aligned to 16 bytes, except for leaf functions, in any region of code that isn't part of an epilog or prolog. 在不属于epilog或prolog的任何代码部分中,堆栈指针的对齐方式必须为16字节对齐(叶函数除外)。
- This lives in the general RAM (random-access memory) area, but has direct support from the processor via its stack pointer. 驻留于常规ram(随机访问存储器)区域,但可通过它的“堆栈指针”获得处理的直接支持。
- The process context only needs switching if a reschedule is between threads in different processes. 只有在重新调度是在两个进程间进行的时候,进程上下文才被切换。