- As a power of jurisdiction, it is designed to reach the end of procedural justice. 价值目标是公正,行使标准是合理,作为司法权的一项,最终是为了实现司法正义。
- Distributive justice is based on allocation result. And procedural justice is based on determine process. 分配公正是以分配结果作依据;程序公正是以决策过程作依据。
- Procedural justice Using fair process in decision making and making sure others know that the process was as fair as possible. 程序性公平:在决策中使用公平的过程,使其他人确信过程尽可能公平。
- In China,a new pattern of civil litigation should be established to keep balance between substantive and procedural justice. 我国应当选择一种新的诉讼模式以平衡程序公正与实体公正的价值追求。
- Legislative hearings is the claim of procedural justice, provides the foundation of justness for the realization of entity justice. 摘要立法听证是程序的正义诉求,它为实体正义的实现提供了正当性基础。
- Challenge system in proceedings is an important litigation mechanism to guarantee the judicial justice and actualize the procedural justice. 诉讼中的回避制度是保障司法公正,实现程序正义的一个重要的诉讼机制。
- But the public is not a price increase can not be tolerated, but up so arrogant, even the basic procedural justice have been abandoned. 但公众不能容忍的其实不是涨价,而是涨得如此嚣张,连基本的程序正义都弃之不顾了。
- The Interactional justice has positive and significant influence on Cognitive judgment.The Procedural justice has positive and significant influence on Emotively judgment. 再将上述影响因素创建一个研究架构之后,以实证方法来验证各变数间关系。
- On the basis of it, the author discusses the features of summary judgment, elaborating its value orientation by focusing on procedural justice and procedural benefits. 然后以此为前提,探讨简易判决的特征,并从程序正义和诉讼效益两个方面对简易判决制度的价值取向进行了详细地论述。
- Focused in the modern legal society,the procedural justice is not only the means of seeking the substantive justice but also the target saught by the judicial acti vities. 程序公正并不仅仅是追求实体公正的工具和手段,它和实体公正都是司法活动所追求的目标,并且现代法治社会应以程序公正为本。
- The value of trial process management, which embodies the inner value of procedural justice and orderly efficiency, ensures the fairness, justice and efficiency of the trial. 审判流程管理作为审判程序的价值是要保障审判公正与效率。
- The law-oriented administration should be based upon the market, the judicial independence, the procedural justice and effective restrictions by supervisory mechanisms. 法治的建立要回归市场,要确立司法的独立、程序的正义及监督机制的有效制约。
- Procedural justice and fairness are crucial to democracy-they undergird healthy party competition and help ensure citizens' faith in a democratic system. 由于民主政治讲求的是程序的公平与正当性,程序的公平与正当对于政党竞争有良性影响,更让民众对民主体制更具信心。
- In a society ruled by law, lawyers play an important role in helping the judicial organs to adjudicate, achieving procedural justice and substantive justice, exercising adjudication, safeguarding judicial justice. 摘要在法治社会中,律师在配合司法机关作出裁判,实现程序公正和实体公正,以及在监督法官正当行使裁判权,确保司法廉洁和公正方面发挥著重要作用。
- Administrative hearing is the procedural safeguard of executive action. In order to realize the procedural justice, administrative hearing must follow the principles of publicity, participation, equity, evasion, and procedural step. 摘要行政听证是行政执法行为的程序化。要实现程序正义的价值目标,行政听证至少须满足公开、参与、对等、回避、严格程序这些原则条件。
- To promoting harmony with justice,we must guide the judicial practice with advanced concept,promote social harmony with procedural justice,above all,realize and keep social harmony with substantive just adjudication. 以公正促和谐,既要以先进理念引领司法实践、以程序公正促进社会和谐,更要以实体裁判公正实现社会和谐。
- Moreover, when economic integration is stronger, other dyadic variables such as interparty trust, joint governance and procedural justice will have a greater effect on alliance performance. 更进一步,当经济整合程度较高时,其他的双重变量,例如伙伴间的信任、共同治理和程序公正等,会对联盟绩效有更强的作用。
- We should learn the advanced concept abroad taking a series of measures to improve the system of arrest under the guidance of the principle of Presumption of Innocence and procedural justice. 应当借鉴国外先进诉讼理念及制度设计,以无罪推定和程序正义原则为指导,通过一系列的改革完善我国逮捕制度。
- Therefore, the combination of procedural justice and judicial technology is necessary in implementing unification of legal effect and social effect so as to mutually promote the judicial realization. 因此,实现法律效果与社会效果的统一,要将程序正义和司法技术结合起来,共同互助促进司法公正的实现。
- On the contrary, the research on the procedural justice and interactional justice is relatively delayed, some relevant theories haven’t been tested in the real activities in Chinese enterprises. 但与此相反的是,程序公正与互动公正的研究在国内相对滞后,有关理论并没有很好地在国内企业实践中进行检验。