- The 37th Graduation and Prize Giving Ceremony will take place on 9/7/2006(Sunday) at Tuen Mun City Hall. Further information will be announced later. 高班同学快将完成学前教育阶段升读小学,本校谨订于7月9日(星期日)上午假屯门大会堂演奏厅为第37届毕业同学举行毕业暨颁奖典礼,有关详情将稍后公布。
- Things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance. 如果有机会,事物会在任何特定的场景中出错。
- You are always welcome to pop into my office at SI as many of you already do and I look forward to seeing you on the 21st September Plover Cove and for a drink at the Prize giving ceremony. 非常欢迎家长们在有需要时进入办公室与我们见面,而有些父母已经常与我们见面了。我期待于九月二十一日在大尾笃和你见面及于颁奖晚宴时把酒言欢。
- Discuss with your spouse in private how you'll handle a given situation. 和你的配偶私下商谈一下你们将如何对付某一可能发生的局面。
- How would you determine the best span of management in a given situation? 在已知的条件下,你应如何确定最佳的管辖幅度?
- Murmurs about the Nobel Prize gave way to confusion as months dragged on and the results weren't reproduced. 研究人员注意到论文图表中有可疑的雷同之处,因此贝尔实验室召集委员会进行调查。
- There was no clear delineation as to which to use in any given situation. 关于在任意的特定情况下来使用,这里没有清楚的描绘。
- Do you often find that your emotions are inappropriate for a given situation? 你发觉自己的心境相较于当时的环境常不适当?
- Risk implies some form of uncertainty about an outcome in a given situation. 风险指的是,在特定情况下某种结果的不确定性形式。
- Mr. Sarkozy and the Tibetan spiritual leader will be in Warsaw December sixth to mark the 25th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize given to Poland's former president Lech Walesa. 萨科齐和西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛都将于12月6号在华沙参加纪念前波兰总统瓦文萨获得诺贝尔和平奖25周年的活动。
- The judge all concur in give john the prize. 评判员都同意把奖品给约翰。
- Make a short speech according to the second paragraph of the passage and the given situation. 按照短文第二段和给出的情景说一段话。
- He held up the prize in triumph. 他得意洋洋地举起了他的奖品。
- It is possible that in any given situation different modes of failure are in competition. 在给定条件上,各种形式的失效有可能竞相出现。
- He blundered his surprise at her winning the prize. 他不慎说出对她得奖感到惊奇。
- Inevitably, in any given situation, a balance is found between such opposing requirements. 在特定情况下,不可避免地要找到解决这些矛盾的折衷办法。
- To most people, risk implies some form of uncertainty about an outcome in a given situation. 对大多数人来说,风险指的是,在特定情况下某种结果的不确定性形式。
- The best teams are vying for the prize. 最好的队正在争夺该项大奖。
- If killing characters is what we feel is best in a given situation, we're gonna kill the shit out of 'em. 如果说让一个角色死去可以让我们感觉所处的形势会好一些,我们会毫不犹豫地干掉他们。
- They had set a prize of 2000 gns for the horserace. 他们为赛马设立了2000畿尼的奖金。