- privately held ranche 私人牧场
- privately held ranch 私人牧场
- The company is privately held and based in Westchester, New York. 该公司是一家私有公司,总部设在威彻斯特,纽约。
- We are a privately held merger and acquisition investment banking firm. 美国麦瑞德公司是一家私有合并和收购投资银行公司。
- Bolen says.The privately held company doesn't disclose financial information. 这家公司由私人控股,无需披露财务信息。
- Comar, Inc is a privately held corporation headquartered in Buena New Jersey. 科马尔公司是一家私人控股公司,总部设在新泽西州博。
- West is a president and CEO of Advanced Cell Technology, a privately held biotechnology company in Worcester. 威斯特从贝勒大学医学院取得博士学位,对老化和干细胞的研究特别感兴趣。
- REAL Software is privately held, privately financed and consistently profitable. REAL公司由私人所有,由私有部门投资组建,并一贯盈利。
- ACEA Bioelectronics, founded in 2002, is a privately held biotechnology company located in San Diego, California. 艾森生物公司创建于2002年5月,公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州,圣地亚哥市的生物谷。
- Sensor Wireless is a privately held corporation with head office located in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. 传感器无线是一家私人控股公司,总部设在爱德华太子岛夏洛特敦。
- Michale D.West is a president and CEO of Advanced Cell Technology, a privately held biotechnology company in Worcester. 威斯特是先进科技公司的总裁兼执行长。
- ACEA Bio, founded in 2002, is a privately held biotechnology company located in San Diego, California. 艾森生物创建于2002年5月,公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州,圣地亚哥市的生物谷。
- TOMCAT is a privately held company developing, selling and supporting Cardio-Vascular Information Systems (CVIS). TOMCAT是一家开发、销售并支持心血管信息系统(CVIS)的私有公司。
- ACEA Bio, founded in 2002, is a privately held biotechnology company located in San Diego, California. 公司简介:艾森生物创建于2002年5月,公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州,圣地亚哥市的生物谷。
- BACHUS S.A, a privately held Romanian company, is a wine producer with a significant presence on the national market. 是罗马尼亚国内著名的酒庄,在该国葡萄酒市场上占有相当重要的地位。
- Is a privately held company, the main paper machine equipment parts, equipment and machine production capacity. 公司是一家私营企业,主营造纸机设备配件,和纸机设备的生产能力。
- ACEA Biology, founded in 2002, is a privately held biotechnology company located in San Diego, California. 艾森生物公司创建于2002年5月,公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州,圣地亚哥市的生物谷。
- Tekni-Plex is a privately held company with 34 manufacturing plants and approximately 3,100 employees worldwide. 德尼培是一家私人控股企业,在全球拥有34家分公司,员工总数约为3100人。
- Quote, Profile, Research) in Ohio are testing the service with privately held BPL provider Current Communications Group, of Germantown, Maryland. 美国不同中国,如果因为新的试验导致有人员伤亡或财产损失,赔偿起来可以让一个公司破产。
- Pandachip Limited is a privately held company located in Hong Kong Science and Technology Park. Our team is ded...... ... 公司名称:深圳市汇川电子贸易有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-20