- Despite of their differences,the fundamental principles of private law contract are still applicable to administrative contract in respect to their generality of contr... 行政合同虽然具有不同于私法合同的特点,但基于合同的共性,私法合同的基本原则对行政合同仍有适用的空间。
- Directly applicable law is a new system in international private law . 直接适用的法是国际私法中一项新的制度。
- The codification of China s private law should model itself on German one. 其次探讨了中国民法法典化的模式,指出应以德国五编制为基础;
- As for the detailed conditions of causing invalidation of administrative contract, it can be scrutinized from three aspects: nature of public law, character of private law and its own characteristics. 至于导致行政契约无效的具体情形,则可从行政契约的公法属性、私法特性及自身特点三个方面来考察。
- "I statisfy myself" was his private law, but so to do he must assuage and control the prejudices of other men. “我行我素”是他个人的信条,但是要这样办,他就必须要缓和和控制别人的成见。
- And the academic monopolization resulted in the scarcity of the private law relief for self-governance. 公法学科对村民自治的垄断直接导致村民自治权利司法救济资源的缺失。
- The private law tradition beginning with the Roman law entails profound humanism spirit. 自罗马法开始的私法传统中,包含着深厚的人文主义精神。
- Please expound the significance and function of the General Part of the Internationl Private Law Code. 注:考的是热点问题。中国国际私法法典总则部分的重要功能和意义。黄进教授的一篇论文专门论述国际私法总则部分。大家可以查阅2003年中国国际私法学会年会论文集。第一篇即是。
- Public and private laws are contained in separate volumes. 公法和私法被分卷收编。
- "I satisfy myself" was his private law, but so to do he must assuage and control the prejudices of other men. “我行我素”是他个人的信条,但是要这样办,他就必须要缓和和控制别人的成见。
- One of the distinctive characteristics of the legal systems associated with Western societies is the extensiveness of "PRIVATE LAW". 与西方社会联系的法律体系的一个显著特征是发达的“私法”。
- The agreement between you should be reduced to writing,thus forming a lawful contract. 你们达成的协议应该以书面形式表述出来,从而形成具有法律效力的合同。
- To construct accounting supervision framework in China, we should combine public and private law methods. 在构建我国的会计监管框架时有必要融合公法和私法两种手段。
- The agreement between you should be reduced to writing, thus forming a lawful contract. 你们达成的协议应该以书面形式表述出来,从而形成具有法律效力的合同。
- Just Resolution of Idiographic Cases' is an aim that modern International Private Law re-searchers seek for. 摘要“具体案件公正解决”是现代国际私法学界所追求的一个目标。
- Reiner Schulze, European Private Law and Existing EC Law, European Review of Private Law, 2005/ 1, pp. 3-19. 这里的现行法包括所有欧共体的法律,具体来说有:欧共体/欧盟的所有条约、全部指令以及欧洲法院和欧洲初审法院所有的案例法。
- Peter Quint, Free Speech and Private Law in German Constitutional Theory, 48 Maryland Law Review 445-447. 关键词:宪法,权利,法院,基本,私法,宪政,影响,基本法,德国
- He had enjoyed considerable success both as a corporate attorney and in his private law practice. 他生前在担任法人的委任律师和个人的律师生涯都相当成功。
- At common law contracts made with a minor that are not valid will be voidable or void. 按照普通法,未成年人签订的合同除有效合同外就是可撤销合同或无效合同。
- The harmonious society could be achieved by the systemization of private laws. 私法在和谐社会构建中的作用发挥主要通过私法的系统结构的功能实现。