- private roof garden 私家屋顶花园
- There is a roof garden on top of the hotel. 饭店顶部有个屋顶花园。
- There is a bar on the roof garden of the hotel. 饭店屋顶平台上有一个酒吧间。
- Features of this suite include a Jacuzzi , sauna , study room , dining area with a kitchenette and a 590 sqm private roof top landscaped garden with water features . 总统套房的主要特征是有一个按摩浴缸,一个桑拿浴室,一个书房,一个餐厅和一个厨房,还有夫人房。
- Rainwater can undertake through roof garden save up and biology are handled. 雨水可以通过屋顶花园进行蓄积和生物处理。
- Studies on Selection and Environmental Adaptability of Roof Garden Plants in Shanghai. 上海地区屋顶绿化植物选择及其环境适应性研究。
- Top floor with private roof, quiet area, SE direction, managed by Taikoo Management, adjacent to One Island East.Newly renov., new appliances, mgt fee and rates included. 罕有顶层连私家天台,东南内园方向,环境宁静,对流窗,太古管理,太古坊上班首选。
- Roof garden in design and constructing deserve discuss and give advertent to issue do a few of dissertate. 但是,屋顶花园在设计和施工中却存在着一些值得探讨和注意的问题。
- Be loosened to allow a patient and accept treatment, the proposal builds a roof garden and outdoor rest. 为让病人放松和接受治疗,建议建一个屋顶花园和露天休息处。
- So the next morning when he was out taking a walk in the roof garden, she hammered a nail exactly where the fly had stayed. 于是,第二天早上他到楼顶花园散步时,她把一枚钉子钉在了苍蝇停过的地方。
- If roof garden area is ample, a sunshade is indispensable, cobble of the reoccupy below the foot is mosaic all sorts of design. 屋顶花园面积宽裕的话,一把遮阳伞是必不可少的,脚下再用鹅卵石拼成各种图案。
- The proposal includes unifying street trees, public realm, streetscape, transportation links, and a library roof garden. 本概念规划包括:街景、公共区域、交通枢纽、统一的街道树木和一个屋顶花园。
- Only in China the small number of people can have garden, most person can be only in the balcony or roof garden, plant is potted. 在中国只有少数人可以拥有庭园,大多数的人只能在阳台或屋顶花园中,栽种盆栽。
- Its roof can be used to capture rainwater that can then be used to irrigate new vegetation, perhaps even on a roof garden or balcony. 它的屋顶可以起到积攒雨水的作用并用于新的植被的灌溉,甚至有可能种植在屋顶花园或阳台上。
- They can ride around The Little Mermaid on a city bike like a true Copenhagener or have an organic picnic in the roof garden. 他们可以像个真正的哥本哈根人一样,踏上城市自行车在雕像周围骑行,或者在屋顶花园品尝有机食品野餐。
- The fifth floor of the hotel will feature a landscaped roof garden including an outdoor heated swimming pool, a terrace and Jacuzzi with sundeck. 酒店五层有一座风景如画的屋顶花园,包括室外恒温游泳池、屋顶阳台和带阳光甲板的按摩池。
- The hotel gloats over a bar and a roof garden with a pool where you can relax and enjoy a magnificent view of the city and the Acropolis. 酒店优越的地理位置使得客人可以方便地前往各个独特的考古遗址和博物馆。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- It is purpose built to accommodate a range of school facilities, and includes a large outdoor terrace roof garden with panoramic views of Galway Bay and the city. 大楼是为了因应校内设施而建造,包括一个能腑榄城市和高威湾景色的宽阔露天阳台花园。