- STELLAR and planetary nurseries are private places. 恒星和行星产生的诞生地是很隐秘的位置。
- This is a quiet and private place. 僻静的地方。
- You can only drink in your private place. 你只能在自己的地方喝酒。
- HC:And then,the Ritual of Uncomfortable Piercing in Private Places shall begin. 随后,“令人不快的穿刺私密处仪式”就可以开始了。
- After I had secured one part of my living stock, I went about the whole island, searching for another private place. 我把我的一部分家畜安置妥当以后,便走遍全岛,打算再找一片这样幽僻的地方。
- But, I think, smokers had betters give up smoking, notin private places,also in the public places, everywhere. It will be beneficial to all of us. 不过,我认为不仅仅是私下里,而且,在公共场合,在任何地方烟民最好放弃吸烟。这会有益于每个人。
- As a general principle, if you go snooping around in your children's diaries and private places, then you must be prepared for what you find. 作为一个普遍的原则,如果你偷看孩子的日记或闯入他们的私人空间,你就必须对你所发现的做好准备。
- Deluxe parlors are on the second floor,which could provide you a private place for dining and business talks with its guaceful and unique environment. 金质商务酒店二层餐厅豪华包间环境高雅别致,为您提供独立的就餐和商务洽谈场所。
- But, I think, smokers had betters give up smoking, not only in private places, but also in the public places, everywhere. It will be beneficial to all of us. 不过,我认为不仅仅是私下里,而且,在公共场合,在任何地方烟民最好放弃吸烟。这会有益于每个人。
- The Cherry Blossom Garden of HNUST,that has always been my private place,belongs to me,SAKURA Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 放暑假前给我经干学院的小蜜的亲弟弟搬家去那鬼地方快累死哥哥了!!!
- We talk here in the public haunt of men: Either withdraw unto some private place, and reason coldly of your grievances, Or else depart; here all eyes gaze on us. 这儿来往的人太多,讲话不太方便,最好还是找个清静一点的地方去谈谈;要不然大家别闹意气,有什么过不去的事平心静气理论理论;否则各走各的路,也就完了,别让这么许多人的眼睛瞧着我们。
- There are sights here, in this quiet and private place, that almost anywhere in the world would have bus-loads of visitors trooping to and fro, buying souvenirs and cups of tea. 在这个僻静的地方有好几处景点,换成世上任何像这样的地方一定会有一车车的观光客成群结队地来来去去,买买纪念品或者几杯茶。
- Everyone has a private place which bourgeons and gestates his/her dream.Different people have different views about the philosophy, and I use my only ways to express it. 艺术感言:我们每个人心中都有一块方寸之地,萌发而孕育着自己的梦想。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- The restroom may be the most private place in the cubicle-land of today's open-plan offices, but unlike the characters of Ally McBeal*, few workers use it for emotional breakdowns or to escae a busy day. 在现今开放式办公环境下由一个个小隔间组成的天地里,卫生间也许是最具有私密性的场所了, 但是,很少有员工像《艾莉的异想世界》里的角色那样把它用作调节紧张情绪和逃避繁忙工作的地方。
- I don't talk with my boss about my private matters. 我不和我的老板谈私事。
- He keeps bobbing up in the most unlikely places. 他总是在极不可能出现的地方突然出现。
- I wish to talk with you in private. 我希望能私下里同你谈话。
- The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum. 该代理机构每年可为约2000名秘书安排工作。