- private high - tech company 民营高新技术企业
- Any enterprise recognized as high tech enterprise or private high tech enterprise by science department of province shall allow a fifty percent reduction on income tax rate. 七)被省级以上科技部门认定的高新技术企业或民型高新技术企业,企业所得税减按15%25征收。
- Yesterday I visited a small, but growing, high tech company run by engineers turned entrepreneurs who showed me two examples of their work. 我昨天拜访问了一个小型的,但是正在成长的高技术公司。这个公司由曾经是工程师的企业家所经营,他们向我介绍了其研发工作的两个实例。
- Beijing China Scape Sci &Tech Co., Ltd is a high &new tech company registered in Zhongguancun sci &tech park, which is established by Beijing Triones Technology &Development Co. 北京华景天润科技有限公司 是注册在中关村科技园区内的高新技术企业,由国华电力公司所属北斗兴业科技发展有限公司、北京高景宏泰科技发展有限责任公司等股东共同成立。
- Many engineers at these high tech companies hail from the Asia Pacific. 这些高科技公司的科技工作者也将热烈欢迎来自亚太地区的同行们。
- Company Overview:Oerlikon is among the worlds most successful industrial high tech companies focusing on machine and system engineering. 公司概况: Oerlikon公司是全球著名的高科技公司,致力于机器设备和系统工程。
- Last year the bubble burst, dragging down the shares of all high tech companies, including Microsoft. 去年网络泡沫破裂,致使包括微软在内的所有高技术公司的股价直线下降。
- Any tech company doing business in China should assume that its designs and products are being copied. 所有在中国做生意的高科技公司切记:你的设计和产品都会被盗版。
- Boon Ming went into a national school, while Kai Yit had chosen a private high school. 文明升上了一所国中,铠毅则进入一所独中就读。
- Then there was the dotcom truouble. Last year the bubble burst, dragging down the shares of all high?tech companies, including Microsoft. 接着便是网络公司陷入困境,去年网络泡沫破裂,致使包括微软在内的所有高技术公司的股价直线下降。
- Operating systems are tricky things to create, but Rubinstein believes that without this piece of the puzzle a tech company cannot control its destiny. 开发操作系统是一项艰巨的任务,但是鲁宾斯坦认为,一家科技公司如果没有这种能力,那就无法掌握自己的命运。
- Dongguan XuLian Electronic Technology co.,Ltd, a private high technology enterprise, is engaging in developing and manufacturing macromolecule nano-compound material. 旭联电子科技有限公司,是一家专业从事高分子纳米复合材料研发和生产的民营高新企业。
- Then there was the dotcom truouble. Last year the bubble burst,dragging down the shares of all high tech companies,including Microsoft. 接着便是网络公司陷入困境,去年网络泡沫破裂,致使包括微软在内的所有高技术公司的股价直线下降。
- Episcopal is an elite private high school that admits students based on standardized test scores and grades. Students are generally of similar academic ability. Episcopal是一所私立的精英高中,他们按学生考试成绩和等级标准招收学生。学生在入学时的成绩差不多。
- Then there was the dotcom truouble. Last year the bubble burst, dragging down the shares of all high tech companies, including Microsoft. 接着便是网络公司陷入困境,去年网络泡沫破裂,致使包括微软在内的所有高技术公司的股价直线下降。
- She now tries to visit 13 to 15 private high schools in the tristate area each year and has seen a substantial increase in interest from several of them. 目前,她每年都会拜访纽约周边地区13至15家私立学校,并已经成功吸引其中几家学校的浓厚兴趣。
- Shanghai Jinhe Bio-tech Co., Ltd. Is a private high technology enterprise specialized in researching and producing Taxanes and its intermediate represented by Paclitaxel. 上海金和技术有限公司是致力于发展紫杉醇系列的抗癌原料药的高新技术企业。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- American Private Higher Education: History, Features and Prospective--The Rise of For-Profit Higher Education in U.S. 美国私立高等教育的发展、演变、特征与未来走势--美国盈利性高等教育的崛起。