- priority performance option 优先级性能可选项, 优先性能可选项
- Selective SOAP parsing is a performance option that instructs the gateway to avoid parsing the body of the message unless it is explicitly touched by a handler. 选择性的SOAP解析是一个性能选项,它可以指导网关避免解析消息体,如果消息体没有明确指定需要处理器来处理。
- reserved page frame performance option 保留页坐标性能选择,保留页框性能可选项
- The Event Group is used in the performance options panel - if you turn of the event group, all events in that group are turned off. 事件组应用于现实效果面板,如果你关闭一个事件组,所有该组中的事件都将会关闭。
- Where others are trying to climb up the premium ladder, Audi is moving downscale and presenting potential customers with performance options at the foot of the hill. 在其它正试图爬上梯子溢价,奥迪正在缩小,并提出潜在客户与性能选项在山脚下。
- The performance truly exalted the audience. 演出确使观众情绪高昂。
- I have priority over you in my claim. 我的请求比你的优先。
- Safety has high priority in factories. 工厂里安全至关重要。
- They agreed to give the matter top priority. 他们同意优先考虑这件事。
- Road building is a top priority. 筑路是最优先考虑的事。
- That task rates low on my priority list. 那件事情并不是我的当务之急。
- Rebuilding the area is a (top) priority. 重建这一地区是当务之急。
- Vehicles coming from the right have priority. 从右边驶来的车辆享有优先通行权。
- I didn't think her performance was up to par. 我认为她表现得不及平时。
- We need a yardstick to measure our performance by. 我们的表现需要一个检验的标准。
- Live performance is the best! I am still keyed up. 现场演出是最棒的!我仍兴奋不已。
- Set a high priority on funding the housing program. 把储备住宅计划资金视为优先的工作
- People would not dig down for such a performance. 人们不愿意为这样的演出掏腰包。
- We like to see the performance of dolphins. 我们喜欢看海豚的表演。
- His performance of Hamlet was topnotch. 他扮演哈姆雷特最为出色。