- printed shirting embossed 印花轧花布
- Our printed shirting is selling fast. 我们的印花细布现在很畅销。
- We have quoted them the price CIF Hamburg for our Printed Shirting. 我方已将印花细布的CIF汉堡价报给他们。
- Now we are in the market for Printed Shirting from your country. 目前我们想从贵国购买印花衬衫布。
- We want to know the price CIF Tokyo for your printed shirting. 我们想知道你们印刷衬衫布料的CIF东京价。
- The designs of printed shirting are agreeable to the taste of our customers. 贵公司印花细布的设计款式很适合我方客户的品味。
- Thank you for your letter of 15th February offering us your printed shirting. 感谢你方2 月 15 日来信对我们印花细布的发盘。
- We airmailed to you three samples of Printed Shirting covering our order No. 2501. 我们向你方航空邮寄第2501号订单项下的三种印花衬衫样品。
- For your informationm,textiles are our main imports, but now we are especially interested in importing Printed Shirting, from your country. 现告知纺织品是我们主要的进口商品,但目前我们特别有意从贵公司进口印花细布。
- We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese Printed Shirting, which comes within the frame of our business activities. 据了解;贵公司是中国印花细布有潜力的买主;而该商品正属于我们的业务经营范围.
- To be candid with you, we like your printed shirting, but your price is rather too high for the market we wish to supply. 直言相告,我们喜欢你们的印花细布,但你们的价格对我们所要提供的市场而言有些偏高。
- A printed shirt with a large leather belt, combined with a dark colored blazer, suits you and your tailored style perfectly. 印花衬衫配以皮制宽腰带,外面再套上一件黑色运动夹克,相信对于追求完美剪裁的处女座来说这样的装扮再合适不过了。
- A printed shirt dress with a large leather belt, combined with a dark colored blazer, suits you and your tailored style perfectly. 处女:印花衬衫配以皮制宽腰带,外面再套上一件黑色运动夹克,这样的装扮相信对于追求完美剪裁的处女座来说是再适合不过了。
- He was standing in his print shirt and his waistcoat in front of his shop, which looked into the street.He saw Alpatitch, and went up to him. 身穿背心和印花衬衫的费拉蓬托夫,站在面临大街的面粉店的傍边,他看见了阿尔帕特奇,便向他走过去。
- The name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper. 商号的名字和地址凸印在信笺上。
- ramie cotton polyester printed shirting 麻棉涤印花布
- He carried a leather briefcase embossed with his initials. 他带着一个饰有浮凸的姓名首字母的皮公事包。
- I like to use embossed notepaper. 我喜欢用有浮凸花纹的便笺纸。
- printed shirting with both narrow and wide width 宽-窄幅印花细布
- Abstract printing shirt is a little ostentatious, some extraordinary, show itself in the printing of summer eyeful. 抽象印花衬衫有些招摇,有些与众不同,在夏日满眼的印花中脱颖而出。