- print only ticket 无磁信息票券, 只打印票卷
- There was a long line of people at the only ticket booth. 票亭只有一个,所以大排长龙。
- Only tickets for Shenyang and beyond are available. 只售沈阳以远的车票。
- In addition to building the new seats for race day, Silverstone has introduced a Saturday only ticket that includes access to the grandstands. 除了在比赛日增加新的座位,银石还推出了周六主看台的单日票。
- The head Biostatistician took the Epidemiologists' one and only ticket and returned triumphantly to the Biostatistician group. 生物统计学家的头儿拿起了这张唯一的票耀武扬威地回到了那伙生物统计学家当中。
- Because the ex-counselor was exonerated, any "media victimization"pendulum would have swung decidedly against him if we continued to print only his name. 因为那位前药品顾问被免除责任,如果我们继续只登载他一个人的姓名,那么“媒体受害者”的钟摆必将向他倾斜。
- Only ticket holders for the game can see the presentation of the trophy after which the team will go on a lap of honour around the pitch. 只有本场比赛门票拥有者能够观看颁奖仪式,在此之后全体队员将会绕场一周庆祝。
- Because the ex-counselor was exonerated, any "media victimization" pendulum would have swung decidedly against him if we continued to print only his name. 因为这位前顾问已经被证明无罪,如果我们仍然只印出他的名字,那么一切“媒体困扰”的钟摆就确定无疑地偏离开他。
- Keep walking man only ticket, road to change, so that we can see ticket distant scenery. My heart is free flowing streams glide forward forever. 不停走男人只是车票,路就需要不停换车票,这样才能看到远方的风景。我的内心是自由流淌的溪水,汩汩向前永远不停。
- Because the ex-counselor was exonerated , any "media victimization"pendulum would have swung decidedly against him if we continued to print only his name. 因为那位前药品顾问被免除责任,如果我们继续只登载他一个人的姓名,那么“媒体受害者”的钟摆必将向他倾斜。
- Tip of the Day: To print only part of the worksheet, choose Page Setup from the File menu, select the Print Area box on the Sheet tab, and then select the area you want to print. 日积月累:若只想打印数据区域的某一部分,可选择“文件”菜单中的“页面设置”命令,在“工作表”选项卡中的“打印区域”框中设置所要区域。
- The only tickets that remain unsold are for general admission. 唯一保持非卖品的票为普通票
- Only ticketed passengers are allowed past security checkpoints. 只有持机票的乘客才能通过安检口。
- If you are printing only a few copies, you can print your newsletter on your desktop printer. 如果只打印少量几份,您可以在桌面打印机上打印新闻稿。
- Glazer projects big increases in international merchandise sales, but supporters expect only ticket price increases and a further commodification of their relationship to the old club. 格雷泽计划实现海外商品销售大幅增长,但球迷们只预计到票价上涨,以及进一步修改他们与旧俱乐部间的关系。
- If you are printing only a small number of publications, the cost per copy of your publication may be prohibitive. 如果出版物的印刷量很小,每个出版物副本的成本可能会非常高。
- The penalty clause was hidden in the small print. 惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
- The march of time leaves its print on all of us. 时光的流逝会给我们每个人都打下印记。