- principles of Data Base System 数据库系统原理
- In the course of metallogenic prognosis studying of Langshan District,the establishment and use of data base system of multi- ple source information have been approached. 本文结合内蒙狼山地区多源信息成矿预测探讨了微机多源地学信息数据库系统的建立和应用。
- It is very conducive to understanding the basic principles of data base data manipulation to fully comprehend the data base sorage method in memory and the access mechanism of the swing of pointer. 充分了解数据库在内存中存储方式和指针移动的访问机制,更有利于理解数据库数据操作的基本原理。
- In a data base, the smallest unit of data that can be referred to. 在数据库中,可被访问的最小数据单位。
- The Design of Data Base System of Plants in Gansu Province 甘肃省植物数据库系统设计
- The demonstration program of data base query. 数据库查询示例程序
- Supporting NF 2 and multimedia data base system NFMDB is designed from the relational RDBMS and it is an externed DBMS. 支持NF2(Non-first-normal-form)和多媒体的数据库系统NFMDB是在关系数据库RDBMS的基础上研制的,它是一种扩充了的DBMS。
- Development of data base system of general parts used for serial gun 系列火炮通用零部件数据库系统的开发
- NET and UML technology and runs in support of the Windows2003 operating system and the system the SQL Server2000 data base system. NET和UML等技术开发,在Windows2003操作系统和SQL Server2000数据库系统的支持下运行。
- Integrated Intelligent Measurement System(IIMS) is composed of Data Base, Knowledge Base and Management System. 集成智能测试系统(IIMS)由数据库、知识库和管理系统组成。
- In a data base,the smallest unit of data that can be referred to. 在数据库中,可被访问的最小数据单位。
- Exploiting PMIS needs supporting of Data Base Management System, the article also introduces the characters of DBMS and Visual FoxPro. 开发PMIS离不开数据库管理系统的支持,本文也介绍DBMS与Visual FoxPro的特点。
- This paper consists of general design, the structure of data, the management system of data base and the function of data processing program. 讨论了该系统的各项研制工作,包括研究项目的总体设计、数据结构、数据库管理系统与数据处理程序功能。
- VFP6.0 system of data base is popular to lovers of writing programs for computers through its power functions, complete and rich tools, superhigh speed, and very good screen. 0关系数据库系统以强大的性能、完整而丰富的工具、超高速的速度、极其友好的界面备受编程爱好者的欢迎。
- The system or principles of monarchy. 君主制君主的体系或原则
- With respect to a unit of data(file,data base),a program that accesses it. 能够访问数据单位(如文件、数据库)的程序。
- The basic assumptions or principles of a subject. 基本原则,基本假设某一学科的基本假设或基本原理
- Using graphical user interface, Visual basic & Visual C++ programming technology and SQL Server data base system, master computer has data capture and displaying, data recording, data printing and dada enquiring functions and after-treatment functions. 上位机系统采用了图形化用户界面技术,Visual Basic、Visual C++编程技术,SQLServer数据库管理系统,具有实时数据采集和显示、数据记录、数据打印和数据查询等数据处理和后处理功能。
- With respect to a unit of data(file, data base), a program that accesses it. 能够访问数据单位(如文件、数据库)的程序。
- We will also examine knowledge representation schemes for capturing biomedical domain complexity and principles of data modeling for efficient storage and retrieval. 我们也将检视能涵盖生物医学领域复杂度的知识表现方案,以及能够有效存取的资料模型。