- The principle of the supremacy of law, and of law understood primarily in terms of reason, not will. 法律至上的原则,以及主要根据理性,而不是意志理解法律的原则。
- Rational atheism values the truths of science and the power of reason, but the principle of freedom stands above both science and religion. 理性无神论看重的是科学的真理以及理性的威力,但自由的原则却凌驾科学与宗教之上。
- On the other hand, it is overly tinted with elitism because according to Plato's theory only a very limited number of people could live by the principle of reason. 又具有过分强烈的精英主义的色彩,因为按照柏拉图的理论,只有极少数的人才能具有这种按照理性生活的资格。
- His elegant piece of reasoning impressed me deeply. 他简要明确的论证给我留下深刻的印象。
- Finally, according to fundamental principle of the blackboard model, a kind of reasoning strategy of the application of blackboard control to synergetic CAPP expert system is proposed, and hierarchy control structure is given. 根据黑板模型的基本原理,提出了一种应用于协同式CAPP专家系 统的黑板控制推理策略,并给出了相应的层次式控制结构。
- The science dealing with the criteria or formal principles of reasoning and thought. 有关推理和思维的规范或形式原理的科学。
- We uphold the principle of racial equality. 我们坚持种族平等的原则。
- In Stoicism, the active, material, rational principle of the cosmos;nous.Identified with God, it is the source of all activity and generation and is the power of reason residing in the human soul. 理性,理念斯多葛学派中宇宙的活跃的、物质的、理性的原则;常识。当被认同为上帝时,它是所有活动和产生的源泉,是存在于人类灵魂中的推理能力
- The research about this theory has found that principle of reason is the real presupposition of argument, while principle of difference, principle of possibility and principle of question are not, as they are only the demands of argument. 有关论证预设理论的研究发现,理由律是论证的真正预设,相异律、可能律、质疑律则不是论证的真正预设,仅是对论证提出的要求。
- In Stoicism, the active, material, rational principle of the cosmos; nous. Identified with God, it is the source of all activity and generation and is the power of reason residing in the human soul. 理性,理念斯多葛学派中宇宙的活跃的、物质的、理性的原则;常识。当被认同为上帝时,它是所有活动和产生的源泉,是存在于人类灵魂中的推理能力
- Plato wrote before the laws of logic had been elucidated but nevertheless succeeded in establishing the principles of the accepted pattern of reasoning in the Western world today. 虽然柏拉图的著作写于逻辑学确立之前,但他成功地确立了一套当今西方世界所接受的逻辑推理的原理。
- He left for a variety of reasons. 他由于种种原因而离开了。
- All of them arrive late for a variety of reasons. 由於种种原因,他们都来晚了。
- The study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning. 逻辑一门研究推理规律的科学,尤其是研究命题中区别于内容的结构和演绎推理中的方法和有效性
- To ask $5000 for a small house like that is out of reason. 那么小的一幢房子索价五千美元是没有道理的。
- The present paper mainly clarifies the principle of reasonable use of antibiotics with emphasizing the indication of application and preventing misuse. 本文就有关抗生素合理应用的原则进行简要阐述,突出强调有指征用药,制止滥用。
- The firm will apply the principle of last in, first out'. 公司将实行`後来者先走'的原则。
- There are a multitude of reasons against it. 有许多反对理由。
- The study of the principles of reasoning,especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning. 逻辑,一门研究推理规律的科学,尤其是研究命题中区别于内容的结构和演绎推理中的方法和有效性。
- I can't come, for a whole host of reasons. 由於种种原因,我来不了。