- A study on interspecific association of principal tree species in the communities including Quercus variabilis on the Qinling and Bashan Mt. 秦巴山地栓皮栎所在群落主要乔木树种种间联结性的研究。
- My wages are the principal source of my income. 薪金是我收入的主要来源。
- As the car hit the tree he was snot out. 汽车扭在村上,他被猛地摔了出来。
- The principal shareholder ask for a meeting. 主要股东们要求召开会议。
- The agent spoke on behalf of his principal. 代理人代表他的委托人说话。
- Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- She's been downgraded (from principal) to deputy. 她已(从校长)降为副校长。
- The annular markings on a tree indicate its age. 树的环形纹理显示其年龄。
- Our principal problem is lack of time. 我们的主要问题就是缺少时间。
- The car hit the tree with a sickening crash. 那辆汽车撞在树上发出让人难受的撞击声。
- An arrow whizzed past and stuck in a tree. 一支箭“飕”地一声飞过去,钉在一棵树上。
- The squirrel ran up a tree and got out of my reach. 松鼠跑到树上去了,我逮不着。
- She drank in every word of the principal's lecture. 她全神贯注地听校长演讲的字字句句。
- The workers saw off a limb from the tree. 工人从树上锯下了一根大树枝。
- John informed the principal against Paul. 约翰向校长告发了保罗。
- He is not made for climbing the tree of knowledge. 他不是生来适于攀登知识之树的。
- The central or principal vein of a leaf. 中脉中心的或主要的叶脉
- He tethered his horse to a tree. 他用绳子把马拴在树上。
- The principal discouraged unexcused absences. 校长不准无故缺课。