- This copy is known as the principal database. 该副本称为主体数据库。
- Back up the principal database to a full database backup. 备份主体数据库以生成完整数据库备份。
- The database mirroring session adopts the same state as the principal database. 数据库镜像会话采用的状态与主体数据库相同。
- The client application attempts to re-establish a connection to the principal database and fails. 客户端应用程序尝试重新建立与主体数据库的连接,但是失败。
- The contents of the mirror database are lagging behind the contents of the principal database. 镜像数据库的内容滞后于主体数据库的内容。
- Therefore, you must make sure that clients can access only one of them, typically the most recent principal database. 因此,必须确保客户端仅可访问其中一个数据库,通常为最新的主体数据库。
- Removed statement that setting the witness closes all connections to the principal database and restarts it. 删除了对见证服务器进行设置会关闭所有与主体数据库的连接,然后又将其重新启动的表述。
- If Partner_A goes offline, the database on Partner_B can fail over to become the current principal database. 如果Partner_A脱机,则Partner_B上的数据库便可通过故障转移而成为当前主数据库。
- However, first, at least one log backup must be taken on the principal database. 但是,首先在主体数据库中必须至少执行一个日志备份。
- Forcing service suspends the session, temporarily preserving all the data in the original principal database. 强制服务会挂起会话,并暂时将所有数据保留在原始的主体数据库中。
- The former principal takes on the mirror role, and the former principal database becomes the mirror database. 以前的主体角色成为镜像角色,以前的主体数据库成为镜像数据库。
- Such associated information includes jobs set up against the principal database and logins that are added to the principal server. 此类关联信息包括针对主体数据库设置的作业以及向主体服务器添加的登录名。
- Whether the mirror database ever completely catches up to the principal database depends on the operating mode of the session. 镜像数据库是否完全与主体数据库保持同步取决于会话的运行模式。
- Otherwise, after service is forced, the original principal database and the current principal database could be updated independently of the other. 否则,强制服务之后,原始主体数据库和当前主体数据库便会分别进行更新。
- In the highest availability mode, the partner server instances synchronize the mirror database with the principal database. 在最高的可用性模式下,合作伙伴服务器实例将镜像数据库与主体数据库同步。
- Therefore, we recommend delaying additional log backups of the principal database until the new mirroring session starts. 因此,建议在启动新的镜像会话之前延迟主体数据的其他日志备份。
- In this mode, the mirror database might lag somewhat behind the principal database, and manual failover is no longer possible. 在此模式下,镜像数据库可能稍微滞后于主体数据库,并且不可能再进行手动故障转移。
- Before mirroring can be reestablished, at least one log backup must be taken on the principal database and applied to the mirror database. 重新建立镜像之前,必须对主体数据库至少执行一个日志备份,并将此日志备份应用到镜像数据库。
- If possible, the path (including the drive letter) of the mirror database should be identical to the path of the principal database. 如有可能,镜像数据库的路径(包括驱动器号)应该与主体数据库的路径相同。
- If the principal database and its transaction log are intact, this choice preserves all of the committed transactions at the expense of availability. 如果主体数据库及其事务日志保持不变,此选择将保留所有已提交的事务,但会牺牲可用性。