- Drinking is a principal cause of traffic accidents. 酗酒是交通事故的主要原因。
- Drinking is a principal cause of highway deaths. 酗酒是公路死亡事故的最主要的原因。
- The latent cause of crime is often avarice. 贫婪常是犯罪的潜在诱因。
- He argues that one of the root causes of crime is poverty. 他认为犯罪的一个根本原因是贫穷。
- principal cause of crime 犯罪主因
- Gold and power, the chief causes of crime. 对金钱和权力的追逐是犯罪的根源。
- Slums are often causative of crime. 贫民窟常是犯罪的温床。
- Flux entrapped in the joints is the principal cause of low strength or failure. 裂缝中封存有焊药是强度不足或断裂的主要原因。
- Another cognate cause of crime of violence was the family tyranny. 导致凶暴的犯罪行为的另一个同类的原因是家庭内的专制主义。
- Running water is one of the principal causes of soil erosion. 奔流不断的水是侵蚀土壤的主要原因。
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成为罪恶的护庇所。
- Frequent consumption of sugary snacks is the principal cause of tooth decay, which can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort. “频繁摄取含糖的零食是蛀牙形成的主要诱因,给人们带来了很大的痛苦和不便。”
- The principal cause of increases in the level of state expenditure and hence of taxation has, for most of history,been war. 在大部分历史时期里,国家开支及相应的纳税额度增长的主要增长原因都是战争。
- By preenting HP infection, the accines remoe the principal cause of cerical cancer and genital warts, as well as pre-cancerous lesions. 通过预防HP感染,疫苗消除了子宫颈癌,生殖器疣及癌前期病变的首要致病因素。
- They are probing into the cause of the crime. 他们正在探究犯罪的原因。
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特徵。
- Social structural tensions and flawed State systems are the principal cause of this massive occurrence of transgress, which in return constraints the operation of social control. 这是因为社会的结构性紧张以及一些存在缺陷的国家制度导致了拐卖妇女这一大规模越轨行为的发生,并制约着社会控制的运作。
- The accused man proved his innocence of crime. 被告人经证实无罪。
- The details of the principal cause are not known. 主因未详。
- Chapter two is about the DEMATEL model and methods of distinguishing and analyzing elements and the application of DEMATEL method used in cause of formation analysis of crime. 第二章论述了因素识别与分析的DEMATEL模型和方法,探讨了DEMATEL方法在犯罪成因分析中的应用。