- Please repay principal and interest. 请还本付息。
- You should repay principal and interest. 你必须偿还本金和利息。
- What are my monthly principal and interest payments? 我每个月要付的本息是多少?
- Appropriates money from the General Fund to pay bond principal and interest. 拨付资金从普通基金支付债券本金和利息。
- You will receive the principal and interest in the deposit currency (USD). 您将获得以美元(存款货币)支付本金和利息。
- The HKMC's guarantee on the timely payment of principal and interest serves to make the MBS a safe and attractive investment for investors. 得到按揭证券公司担保依期付还按揭证券的本金和利息,使按揭证券成为既安全又极具吸引力的投资项目。
- Obligor An entity that has an obligation to pay all principal and interest payments on a debt. 有责任偿还债务本金及利息的机构。
- Repayment of principal and interest of these notes will be funded by revenue of concerned tunnels and bridges. 政府会以有关的隧道及桥梁的收入偿还这些票据的本金及利息。
- Payments usually contain principal and interest that does not change during the life of the annuity. 付款金额通常包含本金和利息,该值在年金的有效期限内都不会改变。
- Payments usually contain principal and interest that does not change over the life of the annuity. 付款通常包含在年金有效期内不会更改的本金和利息。
- A bond issued by an insurance company, linking principal and interest to the company's losses due to natural disasters. 保险公司发行的债券,旨在将债券的本金及利息与天然灾害造成的公司损失联系起来。
- Commercial banks are protected by law in duly recovery of principal and interest of the loans they extended. 商业银行依法向借款人收回到期贷款的本金和利息,受法律保护。
- Guaranteed Investment Certificates(GICs): an interest-paying investment in which principal and interest are guaranteed. 担保投资凭证,担保投资证券,担保投资存款证(本金和利息都担保的一种付息投资)。
- To start the construction and put it into operation the same year, and to repay the principal and interest within the very year. 当年建成投产,当年还本付息。
- A term of a mortgage which allows the creditor to demand payment in full of principal and interest due upon the sale of the property. 允许债权人在物业出售后要求本息全部付清的条款。
- Currency Swap A swap that involves the exchange of principal and interest in one currency for the same in another currency. 货币掉期将一种货币的本金及利息交换成为另一种货币本金或利息的掉期安排。
- Upon the valuation date, if the closing price of the linked stock is higher than the Strike Price, you will receive the principal and interest in cash. 于结算日,如挂鈎股票的收市价高于行使价,您将会以现金获取本息。
- The higher the ratio is, the higher the strain of paying principal and interest is, and the higher the risk of solvency is. 负债比率越高,偿还债务本息的压力越大,偿债能力上的风险也就越大。
- Amortisation can also refer to the reduction of debt, either through periodic payments of principal and interest, or through use of a sinking fund. 摊销也可指通过分期还本付息或使用偿债基金减少债务。
- The Consignor Account will be used for depositing the consigned fund as well as for collecting the principal and interest recovered by the Consignee. 委托人账户用于存放委托资金及向受托人收回的借款本息。