- The Function of Beauty on the Art of Primitive Painted Pottery in China 略论中国原始彩陶艺术的功能美
- The Seek of the Symbolism of Fish-like decoration about the Primitive painted pottery in China 中国原始彩陶鱼纹装饰象征寓意探讨
- primitive painted pottery 原始彩陶
- There are a dozenpatterns on Chinese painted pottery. 图案类的种类也非常多。
- There are a dozen patterns on Chinese painted pottery. 图案类的种类也非常多。
- Can you put the painted pottery in a box and mail it to this address? 你能把这个彩陶放在盒子里,然后寄往这个地址吗?
- On a painted pottery basin from Banpo Village, for instance, we see the design of a human face with a fish's body. 半坡的彩陶盆上还有一种人面鱼纹图形,把人面和鱼形纹样结合在一起
- The gift that I have given you is a painted pottery pot I made myself in the pottery bar. 我送你的礼物是我在陶吧亲手制作的花陶罐。
- Apart from the pottery on the Kewen, have been decorated with geometric patterns painted pottery. 陶器上除有刻纹外已有绘有几何图案的彩陶。
- The pigments in painted pottery figurine from the Han Dynasty's Yang Ling Tombs were analyzed by Raman Microscopy. 本文利用拉曼光谱对陕西汉阳陵陶俑彩绘颜料进行了分析,成功地测定出彩绘颜料的成分。
- This painted pottery was four thousand years old. He remembered the Neolithic archaeology class he had attended in the history department. 这彩陶是四千多年前的,他想起了在历史系听的新石器时代考古课。
- On a painted pottery basin unearthed in Datong County, Qinghai Province, there is the design of five dancing people standing in a line, hand in hand. 在青海大通县上孙家寨的一个陶盆上,画着五个跳舞的人,手牵手连成一排
- The number of settled communities increased, particularly in the eastern Zagros mountains, and handmade painted pottery appears. 固定公社的数目在增加,尤其是在格罗斯山脉的东部地区,出现了手工绘制的陶器。
- This kind of painted pottery will reveal its age late generally not before 5000, for the northwest Kansu area dissemination. 此类彩陶器一般认为其年代不会晚于5000年前,为西北甘青地区传播而来。
- Liu Wan painted pottery is located in Liu Wan village, Gao-Miao town, Ledu county, there are 77 kilometers far from Xining city. 答题要点:柳湾彩陶墓地位于距省会西宁市77公里的乐都县高庙镇柳湾村。
- Archeology, found that the polished stone and painted pottery that, as early as the Neolithic Siwuqiannian ago before the crowd Mnjikaning have to live here. 考古,发现的磨光石和彩陶说明,早在新石器时代距今四五千年前便有原始部落人群在这里生活。
- In the Cahiers interview you say that the 1940s were a golden age of American movies, like primitive painting, full of courage and audacity. How do you see the 1950s? 迈:在电影手册的访谈中你说40年代是美国电影的黄金时期,如同一幅描绘原始人的画作,充满了勇气和胆量,你又是如何看待50年代的呢?
- Both painted pottery and statuary show him in various forms, but the most fashionable depicted him as a good-looking young man, with an athletic body, and winged sandals and his heralds staff. 陶器和雕像都表现了他的不同形态,但最流行的是把他描绘成一个英俊的年轻人,拥有运动型的体魄,飞行的凉鞋和他的信使之棒。
- In the painted pottery unearthed in Majiayao in Gansu Province, there are many rippling and rotary designs drawn with smooth and balanced strokes to engender a quiet and gentle mood. 在甘肃省马家窑一带发现的被称之为马家窑类型的彩陶上,大都描绘水波纹、旋转纹图案。这些图案匀称、流畅,
- His art is primitive and provincial. 他的艺术原始而粗野。