- He's a prime suspect in the murder case. 他是这次谋杀案的主要怀疑对象
- He is the prime suspect in the case. 他是这个案子的首要嫌疑人。
- Our prime suspect in this theft had an accomplice. 在这次偷盗行为中我们的 主要嫌疑犯有个同谋。
- He's the police's prime suspect in this case. 他是该案中警方的主要怀疑对象。
- Your son is a prime suspect in a double homicide. 你儿子现在是杀人案的首要嫌疑人!
- Fugitive Ralph" Bucky" Phillips is considered the prime suspect. 在逃犯拉尔夫”外号公羊“飞利浦被认有重大嫌疑。
- Fugitive Ralph "Bucky" Phillips is considered the prime suspect. 在逃犯拉尔夫”外号公羊“飞利浦被认有重大嫌疑。
- Ashe has been in prison several times, he is a prime suspect for the case. 由於他坐过几次牢,他是此案件的主嫌犯。
- As e has been in prison several times, xe is a prime suspect for the cas. 由于他坐过几次牢,他是此案件的主嫌犯。
- Octavian is now Brown's prime suspect in Cleopatra's suspicious death. 屋大维是克利奥帕特拉离奇死亡一案的第一疑凶。
- The mafia is the prime suspect, so Patrick socializes with its leader. An ex-mobster in the Witness Protection Program is found executed处决.
- He is now the prime suspect behind last week's attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. 现在,美国认定他是9·11纽约和华盛顿恐怖事件的主谋。
- A romantic thriller about a cop who falls in love with a prime suspect in a murder case. 在这部浪漫悬疑片里,一个女警爱上谋杀案的头号嫌疑犯。
- Chad Lowe portrays David Call, the husband of a missing woman whose alibi is starting to unravel, making him the prime suspect. 家中女儿碧芝无论何时何地都头戴安全帽令祖困扰,爱丽认为祖过分紧张。
- Now he is the prime suspect and desperately tries to remember before it's too late. 如今他成了首要的嫌疑犯,他要在一切太晚之前,不顾一切的找回记忆。
- Police are searching for the prime suspect in the gruesome murders of seven family members. 警察正在搜寻那个有7个成员的令人发指的家庭犯罪团伙的主犯。
- This is if the evidence is ever exhaustively examined.Note that Osama is still considered the "prime suspect". 因为至今还没有确切的证据,奥萨马.;本拉登仍然只被认为是“主要嫌疑人”。
- Your two prime suspects are in the interrogation room. 审讯室里有你怀疑最大的两个嫌疑犯。
- During the week of Christmas, the NCIS team is working overtime searching for a prime suspect who turns out to have been dead for 17 years. 在圣诞节那周,NCIS小组,正加班加点地寻找主要那个看起来已经死了17年的嫌疑犯。
- THOUGH BY NO MEANS the only factors in halitosis, the volatile sulfur compounds produced by bacterial metabolism are a prime suspect. 细菌代谢所产生的挥发性硫化物,虽不会是造成口臭的唯一凶手,但却是主嫌。