- primary return code 主返回码
- The procedure can have an integer return code. 过程可以具有整数返回代码。
- Failed to set the default logon domain to %1. The return code is the data. 未能将默认登录域设成%251。返回代码是数据。
- You specify the return code for a stored procedure using the RETURN statement. 使用RETURN语句指定存储过程的返回代码。
- You do not have to check return codes. 不必检查返回代码。
- What's the correct way to check return codes? 检查代码返回值的正确方法是什么?
- With a project example,compare the primary return air system with the secondary return air system,especially in design of the AHU. 混合式空调系统中一次回风系统与二次回风系统是两种常见的处理方式,两种方式各有优缺点。
- This return code is used with the dispositionReport for reporting results from requests with no natural response document. 在dispositionReport 结构中这个值表示请求返回的结果中没有response文档。
- Failed to unjoin the current replica from the domain %1. The return code is the data. 未能使当前副本从域%251脱离。返回代码是数据。
- A stored procedure can return an integer value called a return code to indicate the execution status of a procedure. 存储过程可以返回一个整数值(称为“返回代码”),指示过程的执行状态。
- Moving the existing logon scripts from %1 to %2 failed. The return code is the data. 未能将现有登录脚本从%251移到%252。返回代码是数据。
- If the stored procedure does not explicitly set a value for the return code, the return code is 0. 如果存储过程没有显式设置返回代码的值,则返回代码为0。
- Dfs could not create reparse point for share %1 mapped to directory %2. The return code is in the record data. Dfs不能为映射到%252的共享%251创建重解析点。返回码在记录数据中。
- The interdomain trust account for the domain %1 could not be created. The return code is the data. 无法创建域%251的域间信任帐户。返回代码是数据。
- The interdomain trust account for the domain %1 could not be deleted. The return code is the data. 无法删除域%251的域间信任帐户。返回代码是数据。
- Return code checkers.Leak checkers (for custom resource allocators).Checkers that find illegal parameter values. 不需要修改代码,所有自定义的检查器就可以实现。
- Use INT1 edge trigger, interrupt subroutine allowed to deliver and receive the return code value. 使用INT1边沿触发,中断子程序能读出并返回接收到的代码值。
- Error return codes are given because the certificate is potentially unsafe. 由于证书可能是不安全的,因此会返回错误代码。
- If a stored procedure is called from a batch or script, the parameters and return code values can use Transact-SQL variables defined in the same batch. 如果从批处理或脚本调用存储过程,则参数和返回代码值可以使用在同一个批处理中定义的Transact-SQL变量。
- The server status line includes the protocol version number running on the server, the status code, and a text message representing the return code. 服务器状态行包括在服务器上运行的协议版本号、状态码和表示返回代码的文字消息。