- What are your primary product lines? 您公司的主要产品是什么?
- What is your primary product of interest? 您最感兴趣的产品是什么?
- Extractive production Another term for primary production. 可提取产品:初级产品的另一种说法。
- The demand for primary products is on the increase in European market. 欧洲市场对初级产品的需求在增长。
- Some animals may consume insignificant amounts of the primary production. 有些动物可以消耗很微量的初级产物。
- Management is the Primary Productivity. 管理是第一生产力。
- We must emancipate the primary productive forces. 我们必须解放第一生产力。
- Coastal zones are important habitats to fauna, having a primary production for offering such as benthos and sessile organisms. 摘要沿岸海域一直是生物重要的栖地,并且提供像底栖生物或附著生物相当高的基础生产。
- It has an effective, logarithmic relationship between net primary production of climax vegetation and evapotranspiration. 它在顶极植被净第一性生产量与实际蒸发量之间有一个有效的对数关系。
- Science and technology constitute the primary productive force. 科技是第一生产力
- The net primary production (NPP) of Chinese terrestrial vegetation in 1997 was estimated based on the CASA model. 基于地理信息系统和卫星遥感应用技术 ,利用 CASA模型估算了我国 1997年植被净第一性生产力及其分布。
- Control the total output of mineral primary products. 控制矿产品等初级加工产品生产总量。
- The primary productivity was 2 65kg per acreage year in the lake. 初级生产力为 2 65Kg鱼 /亩·年。
- Science and technology constitute a primary productive force. 科技是第一生产力
- Science and technology are the primary productive forces. 科学技术是第一生产力。
- Seagrass beds are important coastal ecosystems characterized by high biomass and primary production. 摘要海草床是近岸重要的湿地生态系统,具有较高生物量和生产力。
- Fresh fish constitute one of Hong Kong's most important primary products. 鲜鱼是香港最主要的原产品之一。
- Excavate coal is primary production link in coal mine production, therefor, Weaving excavate coal working face supersedure plan has instructional meaning. 采煤是煤矿生产中的主要生产环节,因而编制采煤工作面接替计划对煤矿生产具有指导性意义。
- The purchase of cashmere shall rely mainly on the supply and marketing cooperatives at all levels in the primary production areas of cashmere. 收购羊绒以主产区各级供销社为主;
- I have said that science and technology are a primary productive force. 我说科学技术是第一生产力。