- Abstract The lithological oil gas pools mainly consist of lens shaped sandrock and up tilted pinching sandrock oil reservoirs in Dongying Sag. 东营凹陷岩性油气藏主要为砂岩透镜体油气藏和砂岩上翘尖灭油气藏。
- The systematology is one of theories on oil and gas pool forming process. 系统论是成藏作用研究的重要理论基础之一。
- Oil gas reclaims is important one link. 油气回收是重要的一环。
- This rock, which to you and me looks like a solid, has tiny little pore spaces, and that's where the oil and gas pool. 在你我看来这种岩石似乎是实心的,而事实上它具有非常微小的孔隙空间,那里正是石油或气体郁积的地方。
- The fluvial-delta depositional facies sandbodies is good reservoir, primary types of the gas pool are deep basin gas trap, anticlinal trap and fault block trap.3. 气藏类型主要以深盆气藏、背斜圈闭及断块圈闭气藏为主。
- Keywords anticline-hydrodynamic oil (gas) pools;oil (gas)-water interfaces;equipotential surfaces;seepage velocity;Dacy Law; 关键词背斜-水动力油气藏;油(气)-水界面;等势面;坡度;渗滤速度;达西定律;
- Deep zone reservoir type and oil gas distribution pattern in Bohai Gulf basin. 渤海湾盆地深层油气藏类型及油气分布规律
- Those sags along the detachment faults are prolific oil gas depressions. 油气主要分布在富生烃凹陷西侧的隆起上。
- The vibration of fractionator was eliminated by decoking the oil gas line. 对油气线进行消焦处理后,分馏塔振动被消除。
- Although the luffing very little of oil gas crop, but occupy reporter control.. 尽管油气产量的变幅微乎其微,但是据记者把握的...
- The content of radon gas and methane bacteria indicates obvious abnormity above the gas pool. 气田上方氡气和甲烷菌的含量存在明显的异常。
- Repeat formation testing was used to identify coagulated gas pool by liquid density of stratum directly. 多次地层测试是通过计算出的地层流体密度直接识别凝析气藏,是比较可靠的识别方法;
- The factors which affect the pore structure and reservoir's capability of this gas pool are lithic facies, lithology conditions, and deagenesis. 影响蓬莱镇组气藏储层孔隙结构及储集性的因素有岩相、岩性条件及成岩作用。
- He8 Member reservoirs of Shihezi Formation and Shan1 Member reservoirs of Shanxi Formation are major pay zone in Neopaleozoic gas pool. 区内二叠系下石盒子组盒8段和山西组山1段是上古生界气藏的主力产层。
- It is in the area with good preservation and thermal action is procreating that fault trap and organic reef gas pool will be found. 在那些保存条件好的地带,可能发现断层圈闭及潜伏生物礁气藏;
- Separate reservation,superpressure migration,reservoir formed pool and multi grade supply is the popular gas pool forming model. “分散气储 ,超压运移 ,储集体成藏 ,多级补给”是天然气成藏的普遍模式。
- In order to purify and compress the air and retrieve to recycle, must separate the oil gas. 为净化压缩空气及回收循环使用,必须进行油气分离。
- With microcomputer,a automatic measuring system of blast volume for the bursting gas pool in sewage treatment was built. 将微型计算机应用于污水处理过程中,构成一个曝气池鼓风量自动监测系统。
- The Experimental Research for the Pulverized Coal Combustion accompanied with the Oil Gas. 煤粉炉掺烧油田伴生气的试验研究。
- By 2005, all the gas stations, main oil storage tanks and the oil refinery enterprises in the city should have installed hermetical oil gas recovery facilities. 2005年前,全市加油站、主要储油库及炼油企业要实现油气的密闭回收。