- Social endowment insurance points to primary endowment insurance namely. 社会养老保险即指基本养老保险。
- Insurant with oneself average wage is one days base of pay cost wage presses the regular pay that compare profit cost of primary endowment insurance. 被保险人以本人一年月平均工资为缴费工资基数按一定比利缴纳基本养老保险费。
- Enterprise and worker answer by the regulation the cost of primary endowment insurance of pay does not get derate. 企业和职工按规定应缴纳的基本养老保险费不得减免。
- Primary endowment insurance expends the 19% pay that the enterprise expends base the sum by all insurant capture. 企业按全部被保险人缴费基数之和的19%25缴纳基本养老保险费。
- Why does the enterprise in account of individual of primary endowment insurance delimit partial Biliru decides? 基本养老保险个人帐户中企业划入部分的比利如何确定?
- Company worker goes up with oneself year is mean monthly the base that salary regards individual pay as primary endowment insurance (abbreviation " base of pay cost wage " ) . 企业职工以本人上年度月平均工资作为个人缴纳基本养老保险的基数(简称“缴费工资基数”)。
- Him insurant cannot decide mean monthly of salary, above a year of this city worker is mean monthly salary regards pay as base of cost of primary endowment insurance. 被保险人本人无法确定月平均工资的,以上一年本市职工月平均工资作为缴纳基本养老保险费用基数。
- Him insurant is mean monthly on salary prep above one year of this city worker is mean monthly salary the part of 300% above, not primary endowment insurance expends pay, also not as plan hair the base of basic annuities. 被保险人本人月平均工资高于上一年本市职工月平均工资300%25以上的部分,不缴纳基本养老保险费,也不做为计发基本养老金的基数。
- Ask: Remove or stop the off-duty workers that labor concerns and billabong staff, did not come true again obtain employment but oneself are willing to continue to attend primary endowment insurance should how does primary endowment insurance expend pay? 问:解除或终止劳动关系的下岗职工和分流人员,没有实现再就业但本人愿意继续参加基本养老保险的应如何缴纳基本养老保险费?
- The scale that primary endowment insurance expends individual pay, 4% what must not expend salary under him capture 1997, the biennially since 1998 increases a percent, 8% what achieve him capture finally to expend salary. 个人缴纳基本养老保险费的比例,1997年不得低于本人缴费工资的4%25,1998年起每两年提高1个百分点,最终达到本人缴费工资的8%25。
- What close to raise career worker and finance to offer an institution to faced a society to make public invite applications for a job later on January 1, 2006 oneself oneself is new have a job staff all should play primary endowment insurance. 自收自支事业职工以及财政供款事业单位2006年1月1日以后面向社会公开招聘的新参加工作人员均应参加基本养老保险。
- Ginseng protect personnel to be during unemployment need not primary endowment insurance expends pay, do not calculate capture expends fixed number of year, its individual account stores the forehead gives reservation is mixed plan breath. 参保人员在失业期间可以不缴纳基本养老保险费,不计算缴费年限,其个人账户储存额予以保留和计息。
- Pay expenses fixed number of year is to show enterprise and worker individual press pay of formulary full specified amount jointly the accumulative total fixed number of year that primary endowment insurance expends. 缴费年限是指企业和职工个人共同按规定足额缴纳基本养老保险费的累计年限。
- Mutiple level endowment insurance system basically is to show the country establishs primary endowment insurance, enterprise annuity and sex of worker individual deposit endowment insurance 3 administrative levels. 多层次的养老保险体系主要是指国家建立基本养老保险,企业年金和职工个人储蓄性养老保险三个层次。
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。
- The little boy left primary school at eleven. 这个小男孩十一岁时小学毕业。
- Sure. We are friends since primary school. 当然,我们从小学就是朋友了。
- I started primary school when I was 5 years old. 我五岁时开始读小学。
- A primary cause of Tom's failure is his laziness. 懒惰是汤姆失败的主要原因之一。
- Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。