- network primary distribution system 电力网一次侧配电系统
- What is the distribution system? 销售体系是什么?
- Cold air distribution system design guide II. 低温送风系统设计指南2。
- Grid The utility-owned power distribution system. 电网是指电厂的电力输送系统。
- The company has an extensive international distribution system. 公司有广泛的国际分销系统。
- The Reform of Distribution System Should Be Creative. 分配制度的改革要敢于创新。
- Such distribution system had both advantages and disadvantages. 这种分配制度有好处,也有不好的地方。
- Sixthly, set up the reasonable and fair distribution system. 第六,构建科学合理、公平公正的分配体系。
- primary distribution system 一次配电系统
- The Xiaoxinganling region is one of the primary distribution region of degenerative frozen soil for ages at high latitude in our country. 黑龙江省小兴安岭地区是我国高纬度多年退化性冻土主要分布地区之一。
- IEC62026 5:Smart Distributed System(SDS) . IEC62026?5 :“智能的配线系统(SDS)”。
- IPC is a key question of distributed system. 分布式系统面临的一个关键问题是解决好进程间通信(IPC)协作.
- A proper balance will be struck between efficiency and equity in both primary distribution and redistribution, with particular emphasis on equity in redistribution. 扩大转移支付,强化税收调节,打破经营垄断,创造机会公平,整顿分配秩序,逐步扭转收入分配差距扩大趋势。
- The E-Campus is a distributed system. 信息化校园是一个分布式的系统。
- The E-Campus is a distributed system . 信息化校园是一个分布式的系统。
- Step up our efforts to promote the reform of the grain distribution system. 大力推进粮食流通体制改革。
- In order to reduce loss of power and energy and to optimize the net monetary savings, this paper studies optimal location of fixed and switchable shunt capacitors on primary distribution feeders. 研究了在主配电馈线上安装固定和可调并联电容器的优化配置问题,以减少功率与能量损耗,从而取得最佳净经济节约价值。
- The changes to the distribution system are purely experimental at the moment. 在这个阶段,分配体制的一些变化只是实验性的。
- In primary distribution,we should pay more attention to efficiency,bringing the market forces into play and encouraging part of the people to become rich first through honest labor and lawful operations. 初次分配注重效率,发挥市场的作用,鼓励一部分人通过诚实劳动、合法经营先富起来。
- T.Gonen, Electric Power Distribution System Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1986. 配电技术手册-架空配电线路设计,台湾电力公司。