- The movable control element of such a device. 栓塞这种装置的可移动的控制部分
- primary control element 初级检测元件,灵敏元件
- Control is the primary control for displaying text. 控件是用于显示文本的主要控件。
- The control element being designed. 正在设计的控件元素。
- Restoring control to primary controller. 恢复主控制器的控制。
- In the body of the Web page, declare the user control element inside the. 元素内部声明用户控件元素。
- This name will be included in the opening tag of the user control element. 此名称将包括在用户控件元素的开始标记中。
- Received command to return control to primary controller. 已收到恢复主控制器控制的命令。
- Gets the collection of control elements for this device element. 获取此设备元素的控件元素的集合。
- The work current and slag are the primary control factors and cooling waters is the subordinate control fartor. 文中认为:工作电流和渣量是主要的控制因素,冷却水量是次要因素。
- To be or act as a supervisor or controlling element. 管理者,控制因素是或充当管理者或控制因素
- Aerodist is a useful equipment for secondary breakdown, but not for primary control. 航空微波测距仪是测定二等补充网的有效仪器,但不能用于一等控制网测量。
- Provides object-model access to all attributes declared in the opening tag of an ASP.NET server control element. 提供对ASP.;NET服务器控件元素的开始标记中声明的所有属性(Attribute)的对象模型访问。
- The Lich King may attempt to control elementals 11 times per day. 荔枝王可以每天尝试控制元素生物11次。
- Air source treatment unit, solenoid control element, actuation element and tube fitting. 气源处理元件、电磁控制元件、执行元件、管接头等。
- The control element is electromagnetic valve, which is easy to realize the associated control of electricity and gas. 控制元件是电磁阀,易于实现电、气联合控制,能实现远距离操作,非常适合三维多剑杆织机的自动控制。
- The ECR use the on-blade flap driven by embedded electric actuator to fulfill the rotor primary control function,so the traditional swashplate can be omitted. 以此为基础,进行了悬停和前飞状态下的电控旋翼襟翼总距和周期变距操纵试验。
- The planet or sign that has primary control and influence over a particular thing; for example, Chiron is the ruler of marriage; Mars is the ruler of energy. 文中所限定的占星规则;比如凯龙星在此文中指的是婚姻;而火星在此文中指的是双方互动的能量.
- This property includes subproperties that you can declare using the property-subproperty syntax in the opening tag of a Web server control element. 此属性包含子属性,您可以在Web服务器控件元素的开始标记中使用属性-子属性语法来声明这些子属性。
- The preceding chapters discussed the various control elements or units. 在前面几章已经讨论了几种控制元件或器件。