- price flexibility of demand 需求价格弹性
- The power and flexibility of JXTA come at a price: complexity. JXTA的强大功能和灵活性是有代价的:复杂性。
- What is Elasticity of Demand to Price Changes? 什麽是对价格改变的需求弹性?
- Lack of demand will slow (down) our economic growth. 市场需求低就要拖慢我们的经济增长速度。
- Simple; the flexibility of the unit matters a lot. 简单来说,你部队的灵活性是关键。
- It has all the flexibility of assembly code. 它具备汇编语言的所有灵活性。
- This "week plan," the flexibility of what? 这种“周计划”的灵活性怎样?
- Do you think you can handle that kind of demand? 你觉得你能应付这样的需求吗?
- Lack of demand will slow down our ecomonic growth. 缺少市场需求就会减慢我们的经济增长速度。
- Now, our supply fall short of demand. 现在,我们的产品供不应求。
- This job makes a lot of demand on my time. 这项工作要我付出很多时间。
- Demand for law also has flexibilities, such as price flexibility, cross flexibility and income flexibility. 法律需求也具有弹性,主要表现为价格弹性、交叉弹性和收入弹性。
- What sort of demand curve is that? 这反映了什么样的需求曲线呢?
- The flexibility of a man's muscles will lessen as he becomes old. 人老了肌肉的柔韧性将降低。
- I got miles of supply and piles of demand! 我有数不完的货物和成堆的要求!
- The law of demand is turned upside down. 需求法则完全颠倒了。
- Whether real estate is a big industry needs price flexibility, why real estate industry, known as profiteering industry, and many local real high? 房地产是否是一个需求价格弹性大的行业,为什么房地产行业被称为暴利行业,许多地方房价居高不下呢?
- Happiness is ubiquitous, may fall short of demand. 幸福无处不在;可还是供不应求.
- The supply of vegetables falls short of demand this year. 今年蔬菜供不应求。
- Stability also depends upon the flexibility of the local economy. 稳定还有赖于当地经济的灵活适应性。