- 股票stock
- 股票的stock
- 股票市场stock market
- 他从Dog lung兜里掏出一块cake and a lot of money.Wolf Heart climbs down the tree.
- price标识单价的整数。Price An integer identifying the unit price.
- 股票投资stock investment
- [inf] [level,price+] 突飞猛涨to go through the roof
- 发行股票issue
- 这些变化背重新整理,与Standard Catalog of World Paper Money完全不同These variations have been completely reorganized, and is completely different from that in Standard Catalog of World Paper Money
- 喂,我是Ted Owen。Mark Price先生在吗?Hello. Ted Owen here. Is Mr. Mark Price in?
- "(工资、物价等的)冻结,亦见price freeze""freeze (of salaries, prices, etc.)"
- 炒股票scalp
- hard money (美国)现金
- hard money (硬币)硬通货
- [+price,rate,level] 将某物固定于某物to peg sth at/to sth
- 股票上市stock's coming-into market
- 喂,Owen先生。我是Mark Price,有什么事吗"Hello, Mr. Owen. Mark Price speaking. What can I do for you? "
- "短期款,见 call money"demand money
- 股票交易stock deal
- 加权Herz-Money空间weighted Herz-Morrey spaces