- prewilted silage 经过凋萎的青贮料
- Poorly fermented silage smells rancid. 发酵不好的青贮料其味道腐臭。
- Fodder preserved in a silo;silage. 贮窖的饲料贮藏在贮窖中的饲料;青贮作物
- Fodder preserved in a silo; silage. 贮窖的饲料贮藏在贮窖中的饲料;青贮作物
- Predicting corn silage energy values? 预测玉米青贮的能值?
- Silage making of sugarbeet chips in plastic bales. 外文期刊 Long storage of pressed [sugarbeet] chips.
- Cows are not only fed with concentrate but silage. 牛只不仅被喂食精料而且也有青贮饲料。
- Augers and unloaders will not work with low dry-matter silage. 输送螺旋和卸料机无法处理低于物质的青贮饲料。
- The process of making silage is a form of chemical treatment. 调制青贮饲料的过程即为化学处理的一种方式。
- In many countries silage is an important feed for livestock. 在许多国家,青贮饲料是牲畜的重要饲料形式。
- They also grow 20 mu a little over one hectare of corn for silage. 她家每年种植玉米约20多亩,大部分用于制作青贮饲料。
- Care must also be taken to prevent silage from being overheated. 另外,还应该注意防止青贮料温度过高。
- Goats use rumen, reticulum and omasum to digest silage. 羊利用瘤胃、蜂巢胃、重瓣胃来消化草料。
- Breeding of a new dual-purpose grain and silage hybrid maize variety Yudan No. 粮饲青贮兼用型杂交玉米新品种渝单七号的选育。
- No silage and no additives for them if their milk is to be made into cheese. 如果牛奶用来制作奶酪,则不使用青贮饲料和特别添加料。
- Title: Study on Heredity of Main Forage Traits in Silage Maize (Zea mays L. 关键词:玉米;自交系;饲用性状;配合力;遗传
- Hole sowing and higher planting density were beneficial to silage maize. 高密度取穴播对提高青贮玉米产量有较好效果。
- Lactic acid bacteria are involved in the formation of yoghurt, cheese, sauerkraut, and silage. 乳酸菌常被用来制作酸奶、干酪、泡菜和青贮饲料。
- The accumulation of organic acids in silage can cause rapid deterioration of these silos. 有机酸在青贮饲料中的积累能引起这些贮仓的迅速腐烂。更古老的木制的筒仓
- The most suitable maize varieties to be grown for silage are the early maturing types. 最适于制作玉米青贮料的玉米品种是早熟型。