- Asian nations are helping to prevent nuclear proliferation in Iran, build schools and clinics in Afghanistan, keep peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and combat piracy off the Horn of Africa. 亚洲国家正在帮助防止在伊朗发生核扩散,在阿富汗建立学校和诊所,在刚果民主共和国维持和平,在非洲之角海域打击海盗活动。
- To open a Pandora's box of nuclear proliferation. 打开核扩散的潘多拉盒子。
- Nuclear proliferation threaten world peace. 核子扩散威胁世界和平。
- Armenia has become the latest country to help fight nuclear proliferation. 亚美尼亚是最近一个在打击核扩散方面提供协助的国家。
- Nuclear proliferations have speeded space war. 核扩散使空间战进程加快了速度。
- Professor Schelling delivered his lecture entitled Managing Nuclear Proliferation. 谢林教授以核扩散问题的处理为题,主持公开讲座。
- Professor Schelling will deliver his lecture entitled Managing Nuclear Proliferation. 谢林教授将以核扩散问题的处理为题,主持公开讲座。
- International efforts against nuclear proliferation are faced with severe challenges. 防止核扩散的国际努力受到严峻挑战。
- Should China's membership in the NSG bring a sense of relief to the trackers of nuclear proliferation? 但是中国加入该集团能否真的来代世界化的核输出宽慰?而中国在国际社会中,核技术转让记录并不是十分良好。
- Because of the nuclear proliferation caused by the collapse of USSR, the world is more insecurity than before. 摘要:由于苏联解体所导致的核扩散,这个世界比起过去更加危险。
- But doing nothing also has costs.One is nuclear proliferation in a region that is already a tinderbox of rivalry. 不作为同样需要付出代价:首先,在对抗原本就处于一处即发的地区会发生核扩散;
- It may not be possible for the United States to again become a leader in Real World nuclear proliferation prevention,but we have to try. 对美国而言,想再次成为现实世界的防止核扩散领袖可能性不是很大,但我们不得不试一试。
- But the absence of nuclear terrorism has not prevented nuclear terror. 但由于缺乏核恐怖主义并没有阻止核恐怖。
- He has published widely on military strategy, arms control, energy and environmental policy, nuclear proliferation and international trade. 谢林教授在军事战略、武器控制、能源和环境政策、核扩散、国际贸易等课题有大量著述。
- It may not be possible for the United States to again become a leader in Real World nuclear proliferation prevention, but we have to try. 对美国而言,想再次成为现实世界的防止核扩散领袖可能性不是很大,但我们不得不试一试。
- The study based on the framework of national interests to discuss the status and policy of nuclear proliferation and nuclear nonproliferation of PRC. 中共对外的核武转移,出于权力均势或巩固邦谊的考虑,强调区域性的考量;
- In this multipolar world, many issues such as nuclear proliferation, energy and climate change require a concert approach. 最终的问题不是区域性的,而涉及世界秩序的前景,特别是对深思熟虑的澳大利亚总理陆克文提出的的环太平洋的政治结构。
- But Mr. Bush says there is a message for Syria and Iran as well - that nuclear proliferation in the Middle East can not be tolerated. 布什总统说,这也是向叙利亚和伊朗发出信息,中东地区的核扩散是不能容忍的。
- Nuclear proliferation, illegal arms tests and trade, and holding foreign journalists for ransom are becoming anathemas to Chinese identity. 核扩散、非法武器试验和贸易、把外国记者当成勒索赎金的人质,这些行为正变成对中国身份的诅咒。
- Obama said he had no interest in papering over differences with Russia, but said addressing nuclear proliferation was a good place to start. 他表示他无意掩盖美俄之间的分歧,但处理核扩散问题并不失为一个好开端。