- Graves' disease with pretibial myxedema Grave病伴胫骨前粘液水肿
- pretibial myxoedema 胫骨前粘液性水肿
- pretibial myxedema 胫骨前粘液水肿
- localized pretibial myxedema 局限性胫骨前粘液性水肿
- A case of pretibial epidermolysis bullosa with pemphigus foliaceus is reported. 报告胫前大疱性表皮松解症并发落叶型天疱疮1例。
- Myxedema coma is rare but potentially lethal, the symptoms and signs are many and are often insidious. 黏液水肿很罕见但有可能致命,其临床症状常呈非特异性且多样化。
- Objective To explore the methods of repairing pretibial soft tissue defects and evaluate the clinical effects. 目的探讨胫前软组织缺损的修复方法及临床效果。
- A pathological condition resulting from severe thyroid insufficiency,which may lead to cretinism or myxedema. 甲低严重的甲状腺不足引起的病理状态,它可能导致愚侏病或粘液水肿
- Necrobiosis lipoidica (NL) is a dermal connective tissue-involved disease characterized by scleroderma-like patches in the pretibial area. 类脂质渐进性坏死是发生在真皮结缔组织的疾病, 以小腿胫前的硬皮病样斑块为临床特征。
- Before the last relapse,there was high fever,painful papulopustules appeared on both pretibial areas,the lesion enlarged rapidly and ulcerated. 本次复发前无明显诱因出现高热,双胫前出现丘脓疱疹,疼痛,范围迅速扩大,并破溃形成溃疡。
- On examination, she had a skin rash, pretibial oedema and jaundiced sclera; her liver was not enlarged and her spleen was not palpable. 查体:她有皮疹,胫骨前水肿,巩膜黄疸,她的肝脏无肿大,脾脏未触及。
- A pathological condition resulting from severe thyroid insufficiency, which may lead to cretinism or myxedema. 甲低严重的甲状腺不足引起的病理状态,它可能导致愚侏病或粘液水肿
- Respiratory failure in myxedema is a complex medical emergency and may require prolonged ventilatory assistance. 摘要呼吸衰竭发生在黏液水肿的病人身上是极具复杂性的急症而且治疗需要长期的呼吸器协助。
- Abstract: Objective: To summarize clinical application of the medial sural artery perforator pedicled flap to cover soft tissue defects on the pretibial region. 文章摘要: 目的:总结应用腓肠内侧动脉穿支皮瓣修复胫前软组织缺损的临床应用效果。
- It can be relevant to the deposit of mucopolysaccharides and mucoproteins in the myocardium, leading to myocardial myxedema. 可能与甲状腺激素减少、黏蛋白和黏多糖沉积引起心肌黏液水肿有关。
- Here we report a rare case of a 68 years old male with primary hypothyroidism with myxedema coma and respiratory failure. 我们在此报告一68岁男性患有原发性甲状腺功能不足合并黏液水肿昏迷及呼吸衰竭的个案。
- Two years later, the patient deeloped chest pain; pericardial effusion was detected, leading to a diagnosis of myxedema caused by hypothyroidism. 两年后患者发生胸痛;检测到心包积液,最终诊断为甲状腺功能减退所导致的粘液性水肿。
- The clinical presentation varies from a subclinical form with insignificant symptoms to the most extreme form of myxedema coma with respiratory failure. 其临床表现由最轻微的无症状到最极端的黏液水肿昏迷并呼吸衰竭皆有可能。
- Pretibial pigmental patches in diabetes 糖尿病胫前色素斑
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Myxedema Crisis 黏液性水肿危象的诊断和治疗