- The stress increments of unbonded prestressed tendon in the continuous beams subjected to both symmetrical and asymmetrical loads are analyzed. 计算了对称和不对称加载的无粘结预应力连续梁的应力增量。
- Taking an arch foot as an example,a practical m et hod was proposed to simulate the contact pressure of the prestressed tendon acco rding to the experiment. 以桥梁拱脚为例,依据实验结果提出了一种模拟预应力钢索与索道壁之间接触压力等代荷载的实用的方法。
- The key of calculating flexure strength of UPPC beam is to determine unbounded prestressed tendon s ultimate value when the components are under their ultimate load ability. 计算UPPC梁(板)的抗弯强度,关键是确定构件在极限承裁能力时无粘结预应力筋的极限应力值。
- On the basis of analyzing effect of prestressed tendon layout on internal force and thrust at springer, the principle of prestressed iendon layout for three-span prestressed concrete deck arch bridge is illustrated. 摘要在分析预应力布置位置对三跨上承式拱桥内力和拱脚推力影响的基础上,阐明了该类桥型预应力筋的布置原则。
- Little has been presented about the existing small curvature radius U-shaped prestressed tendon,whose practical elongation value and theoretical stretching elongation deviate greatly from each other. 基于现有规范小曲率半径U形预应力筋张拉伸长量缺乏陈述,而该类预应力筋实测伸长值和理论伸长值偏差过大。
- And the optimization result is got through the equation.The calculation indicates that preloading stress can be more homogeneous by adopting optimized project of prestressed tendon layout. 计算表明采用优化的配索方案可以让索塔的预压应力分布更加均匀,结构可以具备更高的整体安全度,并可以节省预应力材料。
- prestressed tendon for self-anchoring 自锚预应力
- The middle strength spiral rib steel wires is an ideal substitute of prestressing tendon in precast hollow slab. 中强螺旋肋钢丝是预制空心板中的预应力筋的理想替代品,采用中强螺旋肋钢丝的预应力空心板的受力性能好,安全储备大。
- In the process of pseudo-static test, the stress of unbonded prestressed tendons is invariable approximately before the yielding of the specimens. 拟静力试验过程中,无粘结预应力混凝土扁梁框架节点试件在屈服之前,无粘结预应力筋的预应力值仅有微小波动,总的趋势是基本保持不变。
- Research purposes: This paper analyzes the effect of the lateral prestressing tendon in top deck on the lateral calculation result of box beam. 研究目的:研究顶板横向预应力钢束对箱梁横向计算结果的影响,给箱梁结构设计提供借鉴和帮助。
- Then the influence of activity admixture, reinforcement ratio of conventional bars, prestressed tendons and cylic load on shrinkage and creep are analyzed. 分析了影响混凝土收缩徐变的主要因素,特别是混凝土活性掺合料、普通钢筋和预应力钢筋的截面配筋及周期性反复荷载下对收缩徐变的影响;
- In structure design, if this property is full used, it can help to decrease the dosage of the prestressing tendon, save anchorage device, reduce cost and minish invert arch. 工程设计中,若能充分利用部分预应力混凝土的这一特性,将可以减小预应力筋的用量,收到节约锚具、降低造价、减小反拱的效果。
- According to the principle of prestressing structure, the under-storey prestressing tendon reinforcing plan can be adopted when the conditions can be met with. 根据预应力结构原理,采用楼层下面的预应力筋加固方案。
- Study on outsize prestressed tendon testing technique 特大力值预应力锚索试验技术研究
- Calculation for Equivalent Load of the Prestressed Tendon 桥梁拱脚中预应力等代荷载的计算
- According to the fact that most defects of this type of bridge are related to loss of prestress,the main method to reinforce old T-frame bridges is to compensate loss of prestress by increasing prestressed tendons. T型刚构桥的大部分病害均与预应力损失过大有关,因此目前对T型刚构旧桥加固的方法主要是通过增加预应力索及粘贴钢板等来补偿混凝土的预应力。
- simply supported steel box girder with prestressed tendon 预应力简支钢箱梁
- According to the mechanical character of simply supported steel box girder with prestressed tendons,and considering the interaction of tendons and girder, the finite element model is established. 根据预应力简支钢箱梁的受力特性,考虑预应力索与钢箱梁的相互作用,建立了有限元计算模型,有限元计算值与实测值吻合较好。
- Application of Unbonded Prestressed Tendon for Sludge Digester Structure Design 无粘结预应力技术在消化池设计中的应用
- After closure, continuity prestressing tendons would be provided in the bottom of the box. 合拢以后,箱梁底部布置有连续的预应力筋。