- Precautions and Measures Against the Float Upward of Prestress Tubular Pile 预应力管桩上浮的预防及处理
- prestress tubular pile 预应力管桩
- PHC prestress tubular pile PHC预应力管桩
- Causal analysis and prevention measure of damage of high strength prestressed tubular pile during construction 高强预应力管桩施工破损原因分析和预防措施
- Application of prestressed tubular pile to reinforcing soft soil subgrade on passenger dedicated railway line 预应力管桩在客运专线软土路基中的应用
- The technology for construction of steel tubular pile caps is described in the. 文章主要介绍钢管桩桩帽的施工工艺。
- prestressed tubular pile 预应力管桩
- Load transfer mechanism of tubular pile is not expatiated completely because of the complex mechonism of soil core, which restricts the development of the theory for the bearing capacity of pile and its practiceal application. 筒桩具有与一般的灌注或沉管实心桩不同的荷载传递机理,筒桩的荷载传递机理的复杂性制约了筒桩承载理论的发展与工程应用,其工程设计方法至今仍处于半理论半经验的状态。
- In combination with practical project example, the engineering quality, cost of manufacture, schedule and application scope etc of the precast tubular pile were systematically introduced. 结合工程实例,对预制管桩的工程质量、造价、进度、适用范围进行了系统的介绍。
- the prestressed tubular piles 预应力管桩
- This tensioning machine consists of tensioning jack , high pressure pump station , tensioning device , moving and lifting parts , and is a necessary equipment for production of tubular pile. 该张拉机由张拉千斤顶、高压泵站、张拉装置、移动和升降部分组成,是管桩生产的必备设备。
- Prestressed Tubular Concrete (PTC) pile PTC预应力管桩
- When installing steel tubular piles in regions where granite is shallowly overburdened, the piles are easy to deviate and the pile tip is easy to warp, resulting in slow driving. 摘要在浅覆盖层花岗岩地区进行钢管桩施工,存在易偏位、桩尖易卷口和进度慢等技术难题。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。
- prestressed reinforced concrete tubular pile 预应力管桩
- Determining and improving the bearing capacity of steel tubular piles for piled wharfs has long been an issue that the engineering field has endeavored to study and solve. 摘要确定和提高高桩码头钢管桩的承载力是工程界一直致力于研究的问题。
- thin-wall cast-in-situ tubular pile 传递函数
- static pre-stressed concrete tubular pile 静压预应力混凝土管桩
- large diameter prestressed concrete tubular pile 大管桩
- tubular pile with prestressing force 预应力管桩